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Posts: 14 |
If this is the real person (which it very well could be), they said that they were NOT threatened into retracting the statement.* and that they want the articles taken down**. I hope ANN honors the request. * ”but instead it looks like people are spinning it to where I was threatened into retracting. I wasn’t. I haven’t heard from that attorney in weeks.” ** “Honestly, the thing I want more than anything is just for the article to be taken down.” Taken from: on the potential accusers Twitter |
Posts: 1762 |
Funimation, none of us care if you have to have a third Frieza actor in less than five years because of less-than-ideal circumstances. Just cull this bastard.
Posts: 55 |
I said "shrunk" not vaporized. He's not hurting for work, no. But he also didn't hit the self-destruct button and take anyone to court either (only having sent a C&D afaik). Was mostly just using Todd as a similar example of what kind of reaction/outcome Daman may face from the companies' sides. If Daman doesn't end up involving them directly and/or facing criminal indictments, PR departments may not ever say anything publicly (even if he does get recast/blacklisted/etc). |
![]() Posts: 979 |
If this is valid - not going to speculate on whether it is or not since the people who need to know (aka Lynzee) will be able to tell pretty quick - I agree ANN should honor his request if he's truly thought on it. And I'm sure that would still entail privately corresponding with him again just to be sure that's the action he wants to take. Jesus though, what a mess on so many levels. Feels like there's not much I can say on this whole thing anymore that would add any value, so I'll refrain. |
Posts: 909 |
Whether the article gets removed or not, anime fans will never forget what happened. One classic rule of using the Internet is that "whenever something gets posted online, it's there forever". ![]() |
Posts: 55 |
Hence why I said "questionable-consent", not r*pe. I'm not saying Todd should have been blacklisted. I personally won't buy prints/autographs or attend his panels any more, but I'm not gonna boycott a con that invites him either. I'm just using his situation and it's similarities (though, no, they are not a 1:1 parallel) to frame what I expect as to how we may see Daman's play out. Companies like Funimation/BangZoom never officially came out and sad anything on Todd's situation, even if some directors may have privately decided not to cast him in projects they head anymore. And as I said before, since neither's actions occurred at the studio property, or otherwise directly involved them (such as in Vic's scenario, which is why he was blacklisted BEFORE his lawsuit), nor were they criminally charged/arrested (as with Scott), those studios don't have much incentive other than public pressure to issue any sort of statement, so I'm just not holding my breath waiting for one. Last edited by Mirvana on Wed Mar 16, 2022 7:15 am; edited 1 time in total |
![]() Posts: 2973 |
It's hard to say how to feel about this. These are very serious things he's talking about and he just retracted them. There are going to be a lot of people who are going to be suspicious of this sort of thing. It's going to be hard to know what come next after this.
Posts: 6 |
Okay I need to say this,
I was skeptical of the allegations to begin with because I saw some serious RED FLAGS in Duncan's original story, and claims seemed to be embellished quite a bit. For one thing, 'Duncan' seemed to go to to a lot of trouble to out details alleging Daman Mills' sexual misconduct and screen caps that would supposedly corroborate his claims for someone who didn't want to give away his real name But, I didn't say anything before because I knew this was a developing story. As someone who believes in giving deference to anyone who comes forward claiming sexual misconduct, and I encourage any victim (male or female) to come forward with real names and stories. I thought maybe there might be something more to Duncan's story. Maybe more people would come forward giving similar accounts of sexual abuse at the hands of Daman Mills so that he could be held fully accountable for his actions. I thought maybe Duncan would reveal his actual name and face, which would inspire others to come forward. But now, it seems Duncan has retracted his original claims about Daman, and AND THAT SHOULD'VE REMOVED ALL DOUBT ABOUT HIM.It should be noted Duncan was 15 in 2012, and the first alleged incident of sexual misconduct took place in 2014, when he would've been at least 16 years old, which we've already established was to the age of legal consent in Ohio (whether or not you think it should be is another question). So already out of the gate, the charge of underaged sexual misconduct is out of the question. Moreover, Daman Mills was born in June 1993, so much of what took place (allegedly) happened before he turned 21. In fact, the age difference between Daman and Duncan is LESS THAN 5 YEARS. It should also be noted that none this was on workplace grounds, and all seemed to take place before Daman was employed by Funimation, or even living in Texas. If fact, he was far from the established voice artist he is today. It also seems based on the Cease & Desist letter that Duncan may have sent the same Google Doc and screenshots to Daman's employers. Those screenshots of Daman's private messages are disturbing on one end. In fact, I had to look back on similar things I might have said in my early twenties, I would be greatly embarrassed. But, NONE of those messages amount to anything that would result in criminal or civil penalties for anyone, no do they back up the claims made by Duncan in the Google Doc. People have relationship issues all the time, such as dishonestly, lack of commitment, and aggression that results in pressure and coercion in some cases. This is what leads to bad break ups and divorces, and Daman's actions fall right into that category. Daman Mills is guilty of nothing more than making bad relationship decisions that should in no way cause loss of opportunity. Now, I want to address Duncan directly, Duncan, you did the right thing by retracting your original claims... but the damage is already done. Even if ANN takes down both articles relating to your claims, the information is out there on the internet for eternity. people are still insistent on believing Daman Mills is a predator and wanting to see his head on a stake (metaphorically speaking). And it has already taken its toll on Daman Mills. He has personally withdrawn from at least three conventions he was planning to attend, has completely disengaged from social media activity since these allegations arose, and lost nearly 3K of his almost 40k followers on Twitter. What's worse, is that this has ramifications that go beyond Daman Mills. Daman is openly gay, and these charges put out there one of the worst homophobic tropes there is, that all gay people (especially gay men) are sexual predators. In fact, your whole Google Doc was riddled with homophobic undertones. Duncan, if you see this, it is clear that you still have unresolved issues regarding Daman Mills that are still bothering you. I highly recommend you see a professional to help you work through those issues. Now, I want to address this thread directly, This doesn't apply to everyone here. Some of you have already expressed skepticism about Duncan's original claims in this thread and the other one. As for the rest of you, YOU PEOPLE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES. You've decided to unequivocally condemn a man as a sexual predator who should lose all opportunities in life. Because WHY... he made some very human mistakes in what now appears to be consensual relationship during his early 20's? you're going to tell me that you don't of any situation in real life that resulted in a bad break-up or divorce because of the poor decisions made by one or both parties in the relationship? Why the different standard here? Is it because it was a same sex relationship? Even after the alleged victim fully retracted his claims, you say unequivocally without further research that it must be because because of legal intimidation. In fact, I'll go even further. Why is it that ANN even felt the need to report on this in the first place, based on what appears to be private messages that while racy and intense, should not be anything out in the public for our discussion? Why is it that somehow alleged sexual misconduct by someone of the same sex is put out to the public for our comment when the alleged victim doesn't even want his true identity revealed, yet the standard of proof is never sufficient for claims of sexual abuse by the opposite sex? I have never seen ANN (or any news agency for that matter) put out an article of alleged sexual abuse by a public figure when a person of the opposite sex wanted to remain anonymous. Thank you all for your consideration! |
Posts: 909 |
Daman also worked for Media Blasters in 2015. |
Posts: 55 |
People speak to press outlets anonymously about legal matters all the freaking time, dude. What the heck are you on about? They may even CAN'T legally speak without anonymity under some circumstances. Duncan deciding not to press matters to a legal case does not invalidate the many receipts and chat logs he provided. Legal proceedings on matters such as this require the victims to recall/recount traumatic shit in their lives. Some just decide that mental toll isn't worth it in the end. Withdrawing legal matters neither condemns nor exonerates Daman in any way or to any degree. Why in the absolute hell should anyone "be ashamed of themselves" for seeing what was provided and thinking "Jeesh, Daman, ya fucked up..."? (Hell even Daman didn't contend it never happened, just that it was consensual). |
Posts: 6 |
The fact that you quoted me as if I said something I NEVER SAID make me question if you're even making your arguments in faith. Did you even read what I said. Yes, Daman screwed up, and I acknowledged that. But those screw ups (shown in the receipts) amounted to nothing more than personal decisions he made in his own private life that resulted in a bad break-up years ago. I made it clear in my previous post that despite reservations of the initial claims, I held back on saying anything before, because given the near universal support Duncan had from people in this space (and elsewhere) from people saying they believed the claims against Daman indefinitely, I thought maybe more would come of this story; that maybe more people would come out with similar stories, or maybe Duncan, despite whatever fear exists within him, would come out and reveal himself in full. Instead, Duncan has retracted his claims, and that by any reasonable measure should have been the end of any of this. Look, this isn't even about Daman Mills. Rather. My issue is with the double standard that society over alleged sexual misconduct by the LGBTQ+ community. You obviously missed the broader point I was making. Daman has the support and connections in his life, so he's going to be fine no matter what happens to him. But others don't have that same support structure. Personally, I don't think anyone should have the extreme standard of either absolutely believing the alleged victim in all cases of sexual abuse, or believing the accused in any and all cases. It should depend on the facts presented. But even if you go to either extreme, the same standard should be held across the board. That's all I'm going to say. Everyone else is free to judge based on extremes and/or double standards if they like. |
Posts: 909 |
Daman Mills should retire at this point.
Cardcaptor Takato
![]() Posts: 5284 |
Meowtain Duwu
![]() Posts: 166 Location: United States |
News of this sort never fails to bring absolute morons out of the woodworks who don’t understand how the law or consent work.
Posts: 6 |
Hi Cardcaptor Takato,
Thank you for the thoughtful response, and for opening up a little about yourself. But there are some things you said that I need to address.
Duncan seems pretty adamant that the retracting was his own choice, and not due to any coercion as seen here. Even without his retraction, the part about underaged "statutory rape" is out of the question, given that the first alleged incident didn't take place until Duncan was 16, the legal age of consent in Ohio.
The quote you're responding to didn't claim that it is okay to commit sexual assault outside the workplace. If that's what you infer, I'll grant that it was a miscommunication on my part. But Actually a lead in to the next part you addressed, which is more important.
I was specifically addressing the screenshots, not the Google Doc, don't conflate the two. As to the sexual assault charges, I didn't share my doubts until now because I considered that there might be a follow-up corroborating Duncan's initial claims. Of course I don't want someone working, going to conventions, or even roaming the streets it the committed sexual abuse (i should even have to clarify that). And the corroboration doesn't even need to be pictures of the event, or DNA evidence. It could simply be someone that Duncan told at the time relaying the information. But this is where we are now. It doesn't mean there's a zero percent chance that Daman did the act, but that is where we are now.
If you haven't been subject to any of the common stereotypes that LGBTQ+ people, then I'm happy for you, and I'm glad you've been living a good life. But you can't say those stereotypes don't exist. If you don't think this is an example of such, your call to make. I won't go into all the different stereotypes that exist about all the different disenfranchised minorities because that's not what we're here to talk about. It doesn't always mean that it's done with malicious intent, but it's a reality. As far the insinuation that that I'm somehow shielding Daman from any allegations of sexual misconduct BECAUSE OF his identity, I don't see how that's implied by what I said. But again, I'll own that maybe it was a miscommunication on my part.
I don't see how it's such a ridiculous point to make. If anyone has a link to any article where ANN or any other accredited news agency has put out to the public a story of sexual misconduct about the opposite sex without the identity of the alleged victim being revealed, I happy to be proven wrong. |
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