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NEWS: Otaku Comic Tsuchida Declined Dragonball Film Role

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:33 am Reply with quote
Tsuchida said on Wednesday that he was asked to play a person who gets attacked by the antagonist Piccolo because he held a Dragon Ball.

Well, yeah, that would be a lame appearance. It must really suck if an otaku ain't interested, though. The residuals from that cameo might enable him to have a life-time's supply of model kits! Laughing

Also, why is Japan getting it first, when it's going to bomb in either country? Does FOX really want the 2ch people to let gaijin in on the horror? Rolling Eyes

Edit: You know, for a movie which is only out in a few months, and which is targeting a regional market, FOX doesn't even have a page for DB on its Japanese site.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:11 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
Tsuchida said on Wednesday that he was asked to play a person who gets attacked by the antagonist Piccolo because he held a Dragon Ball.

Well, yeah, that would be a lame appearance. It must really suck if an otaku ain't interested, though. The residuals from that cameo might enable him to have a life-time's supply of model kits! Laughing

Also, why is Japan getting it first, when it's going to bomb in either country? Does FOX really want the 2ch people to let gaijin in on the horror? Rolling Eyes

Edit: You know, for a movie which is only out in a few months, and which is targeting a regional market, FOX doesn't even have a page for DB on its Japanese site.

You're making assumptions. It never stated that he said he wasn't interested, only that he couldn't fit it into his schedule. Plus, I seriously doubt this movie will bomb even if it does suck. There are a ton of fans on both sides of the Pacific that will most likely see this movie irregardless (myself included). As to why Japan is getting it first...my guess would be that this was one of the stipulations to allowing FOX to make the film. Dragonball does come out of Japan after all...doesn't seem so weird to me. Lastly, Dragonball is listed on the site you linked to. It's listed after Australia in the Linup section. Dragonball and the movies coming out after it don't have trailers posted yet. I'm sure they'll get one up when its release gets closer.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:31 am Reply with quote
There were a ton of fans for Streetfighter II and Final Fantasy, too; but that didn't save the Van Damme movie or Spirits Within. And I said that the DB movie doesn't have a page, not that it's not mentioned.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:13 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
There were a ton of fans for Streetfighter II and Final Fantasy, too; but that didn't save the Van Damme movie or Spirits Within. And I said that the DB movie doesn't have a page, not that it's not mentioned.

No offense to those franchises, but I would consider Dragonball to have more of a following than either of those examples. Just some quick wikipedia research for some tangible numbers:

In regards to the Final Fantasy series: As of July 7, 2008, the series has sold over 85 million units worldwide.

In regards to Dragonball (Speaking of Japan manga volume sales only): By 2007, this number had grown to pass 150 million.

This doesn't even include other Dragonball sales worldwide or even the anime sales and viewership.

It is sad about Final Fantasy though...I thought it was a great film and it was a shame to see it bomb. Also, when all is said and done we both have no idea how this movie will do. We can predict what will happen and make a reasonable guess (in our own minds), but that's all it will be until the numbers come out. As for the website, I misunderstood what you meant, so you are correct in the fact that there is no page specifically for Dragonball. I would still say the same thing about the page as I did about the trailer. I think it will get one as soon as the release date gets closer (as with the other movies coming out after it that don't have a page yet).
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Joined: 30 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:21 am Reply with quote
Final Fantasy games (In Japan) price: 5,000 to 9,995 yen.
Dragonball manga volume: 295 yen.

You do the math on why Final Fantasy hasn't sold more.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:40 am Reply with quote
therealssjlink wrote:
Final Fantasy games (In Japan) price: 5,000 to 9,995 yen.
Dragonball manga volume: 295 yen.

You do the math on why Final Fantasy hasn't sold more.

xD if you're talking about Price in terms of popularity, that's not a really good argument.

u_u Neeexxt.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:09 pm Reply with quote
hmm, I wouldn't call "FF: Spirits Within" a great film but it wasn't bad. Just that except for the name, it didn't seem very Final Fantasy like.

Maybe if the solders used swords or laser swords istead or with their guns and there was a splash of magic rather then pure sci-fi it would have done better as an original work. Or some how turn moggles and chocobos into aliens so you'd fit them in some how.

Just find some way to fit in iconic stuff into the movie like how FF VII got them in. You really get the feeling they forgot about the first 6 FF games when they made Spirits. The FF crew tried too hard to work off the FFVII magic with that movie.

I don't expect much from the DB movie. At this point I'm more interested in how they spin the series cause you can't expect them to be completely faithful to the series in terms of story. I'm just happy they pushed the date back the first time to put more into the film.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:41 am Reply with quote
ssjwill4 wrote:
As to why Japan is getting it first...my guess would be that this was one of the stipulations to allowing FOX to make the film. Dragonball does come out of Japan after all...doesn't seem so weird to me.

Sometimes, studios release films outside the US first to get good word of mouth before hitting stateside. IIRC, Titanic was released in Japan before the US too, and I hear that film didn't do too badly (oh those silly romantic Japanese and their Sailor Moon-loving Leonardo-swooning grrrl power). They figure Japan has the best chance to give Dragonball as good a word of mouth as any.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:25 am Reply with quote
enurtsol: I'm guessing Titanic was released outside the U.S. first, because it went over-budget, and they didn't think it would make money.

Anyway, looks like the title might be extended to Dragonball: Evolution. Rolling Eyes
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