Deadline: Legendary Moves Toward Live-Action Pokémon Film Rights
posted on by Karen Ressler
Entertainment news source Deadline reported on Tuesday that Legendary Pictures is "moving toward a deal" to acquire live-action film rights for the Pokémon franchise.
The Hollywood Reporter reported in April that Legendary Entertainment, Warner Bros., and Sony were engaged in an auction for the rights. Warner already released several of the animated Pokémon films, starting with Pokémon: The First Movie in North American theaters in 1999. Warner then released Pokémon 2000 - The Movie and 2001's Pokémon 3 - The Movie.
Legendary Pictures is Legendary Entertainment's film division. Chinese company Dalian Wanda Group recently acquired a majority stake in Legendary Entertainment in January.
The Pokémon Go app launched last week in select countries, and was followed by a rise in Nintendo stock.
Source: Deadline Hollywood (Mike Fleming Jr)
Thanks to ravegrl and Daniel Zelter for the news tip.