Watch Nana Mizuki Perform Nanoha ViVid's Opening Theme with 350 Dancers
posted on by Eric Stimson
Nana Mizuki's new song, "Angel Blossom," premiered on YouTube in the form of a 2-minute clip on Tuesday. It shows Mizuki singing her new single while a flash mob grows behind her, dancing along. They appear to be ordinary people going about their daily business — police, high school students, salarymen, etc.
A much shorter, 15-second clip shows the flash mob in full glory, with a whopping 350 extras dancing to the song.
"Angel Blossom" will be released as a single on April 22, but you can catch it as the opening theme to Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid, which premieres today. Mizuki is also starring in the show as Fate Testarossa Harlaown. Not seen in the above previews is Mizuki's friend, the harpist Mika Agematsu, who makes a guest appearance. Mizuki wrote the song herself; it is her 32nd single and second so far this year (after "Eden" in January).
Source: Anime! Anime!; Image from KoePota