Bring Home Your Life-Size Saekano Girlfriend for 1.98 Million Yen
posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
Anime News Network's merchandise coverage sponsored by
Tokyo Otaku Mode.
Video game heroine Megumi Kato is otaku Tomoya Aki's dream girl and could very well come home with you if you're willing fork out the cash. Aniplex will sell a total of 10 life-size figures measuring 158cm (62in) for 1.98 million yen (US$16,751). Like most expensive, limited edition memorabilia, interested customers can enter their information into a lottery. The 10 winners will be able to purchase the statue. Entries are only accepted until February 14.

If you don't have anywhere in your apartment for a full-size Megumi, Aniplex also announced a more manageable 1/7-scale figure for 10,800 yen (US$91). The 1/7-scale figure is available for preorder until February 29.

Both figures are on display at the "Saekano SHOP2016" until January 24 at the Tokyo Anime Center in Akihabara.
The anime adaptation of Fumiaki Maruto's Saenai Heroine no Sodate-kata light novel series premiered in January 2015. Aniplex of America licensed the series, and streamed it on Aniplex Channel, Crunchyroll, and Hulu as it aired. A sequel is currently in the works.
Other life-size figures include Urusei Yatsura's Lum, To Love-Ru -Trouble- Darkness' Momo Belia Deviluke, K-ON's Ho-kago Tea Time band, and the girls of Evangelion.
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