Gundam Unicorn Joins the Fray in Independence Day: Resurgence Trailer
posted on by Eric Stimson
Banagher & Full Frontal comment on alien invasion
Mobile Suit Gundam UC continues to intrude into the story of Independence Day: Resurgence, the upcoming sequel to the 1996 science-fiction action film Independence Day, in this Japanese trailer.
Full Frontal: It's as huge as a planet!
Banagher: Huh? Oh crap!
Full Frontal: It manipulates gravity at will?!
Banagher: This time, we'll destroy them for good!... I want to believe in the potential of humanity!
Full Frontal: Show us your potential, humanity!
The trailer builds on the Independence Day: Resurgence crossover with Gundam UC first displayed in a movie poster that substituted the Unicorn Gundam for the Statue of Liberty. The trailer is also similar in style to one that juxtaposed the eponymous Space Brothers with clips from The Martian.