Anime Limited Schedule Details
posted on by Andrew Osmond
Anime Limited has announced the following release schedule.
Gurren Lagann: Ultimate Edition - SRP £149.99 (series pictured right)
Gurren Lagann: DVD Collector's Edition - SRP: £49.99
Gurren Lagann: TV Blu-Ray collection - SRP £59.99 (changed from £79.99 SRP in exchange for an Amaray box)
Anime Limited comments, 'We're waiting on art book approval still so the date is still flexible – but we're working on something last minute and cool that should make up for the slide.'
HAL – Collector's Edition Combi-pack -- SRP: £34.99 (film pictured left)
'Will include the translated 20-page booklet from Japan in addition to rigid collector's packaging.'
Blood Lad – Collector's Edition Blu-Ray - SRP: £49.99
'Contains the OVA, a 96 page booklet and rigid collector's packaging.'
Blood Lad – DVD edition - SRP: £34.99 'Standard DVD edition in rigid packaging.'
Patema Inverted – Ultimate Edition - SRP: £84.99 'Very limited quantity left over from the minimum print run – only available Amazon and All the Anime's shop.'
Patema Inverted – Collector's Edition - SRP: £34.99 'Contains all the video content as per the Ultimate, a 48 page booklet with the original short story and rigid collector's packaging.'
Patema Inverted – Regular Edition - SRP: £24.99
Wings of Honneamise – Collector's Edition Combi-pack - SRP £34.99 (film pictured right)
'Contains a 20 page booklet, rigid collector's packaging and some extras (more details to follow).'
Wings of Honneamise – DVD edition - SRP £17.99
Space Dandy – Blu-Ray Collector's Edition - SRP £69.99
'Contains a 116 page art booklet showcasing the world of Space Dandy and rigid collector's packaging.'
Space Dandy – DVD Collector's Edition - SRP £49.99
Contains booklet and rigid collector's packaging as above.
Mystery Film – Collector's Edition Combi-pack - SRP £34.99
'Theatrical will occur in October and November for the film, both subbed and dubbed.'
Mystery Film – DVD Edition – SRP £19.99
TENTATIVE: Kill la Kill – Part 1 Collector's Edition Combi-pack SRP: £59.99
'We're preparing authoring but can't commit to anything until the licensor approves our release model.'