Quinrose's Alice in the Country of Hearts Game Released in English
posted on by Lynzee Loveridge
QuinRose's original Alice in the Country of Hearts game was released in English for iOS and Android devices on Friday by artmove, Inc.
The first episode of each character and the opening are free. Each additional character path is US$7 or the entire game can be played for US$38 with sound or US$25 without sound.
QuinRose's Alice fantasy romance adventure game franchise has inspired the Alice in the Country of Hearts: Wonderful Wonder World and a large collection of spinoff manga.
Seven Seas announced its license of Alice in the Country of Clover: The Lizard Aide, Alice in the Country of Clover: Twin Lovers, and Alice in the Country of Clover: March Hare's Revolution manga earlier this month. The company is also releasing Alice in the Country of Diamonds: Bet On My Heart light novel, Job's Alice in the Country of Joker: Nightmare manga, and Alice in the Country of Clover: Nightmare, Alice in the Country of Clover: March's Hare, Alice in the Country of Hearts: Love Labyrinth of Thorns, and Alice in the Country of Clover: Knight's Knowledge. The company is also releasing the Alice in the Country of Clover: Bloody Twins, Alice in the Country of Clover: Cheshire Cat Waltz, Alice in the Country of Clover: Ace of Hearts, and Alice in the Country of Hearts: The Clockmaker's Story, among others.
Tokyopop published the first Alice in the Country of Hearts manga adaptation in North America, and Yen Press picked up the license and finished the series in 2011. Yen Press also released the two-volume Alice in the Country of Hearts: My Fanatic Rabbit series.
Thanks to Ara for the news tip.