Discotek Adds Samurai Troopers, Bokurano, Comic Party, 3rd Lupin III TV Special
posted on by Egan Loo
North American anime distributor Discotek Media announced on Thursday that it licensed the Yoroiden Samurai Troopers television anime and original video anime collection, the Bokurano television series, the Comic Party television series, and the Lupin III: Napoleon's Dictionary television special.
Sunrise created the Yoroiden Samurai Troopers action television anime in 1988-1989, and Cartoon Network ran it as Ronin Warriors in the United States. Bandai Entertainment previously released the series on DVD. Discotek plans to offer it with English subtitles, but without the English Ronin Warriors dub, in February. Discotek also plans to offer the complete Yoroiden Samurai Troopers OVA series with both the English dub and the Japanese dub with English subtitles that same month.
Director Hiroyuki Morita and the studio Gonzo adapted Mohiro Kitoh's Bokurano manga in 2007. Although Viz Media is publishing the manga in North America, Discotek will be the first to offer the anime on home video in North America when it ships its English-subtitled release next year. Viz Media describes the manga's story (the anime has several key differences from the manga):
One summer, 15 kids innocently wander into a nearby seaside cave. There they meet a strange man who invites them to play an exciting new video game. Sounds like fun, right? This game, he explains, pits a lone giant robot against a horde of alien invaders. All they have to do is sign a simple little contract. The game stops being fun when the kids find out the true purpose of their deadly pact.
The 2001 Comic Party television anime adapts Sekihiko Inui's manga of the same name. Discotek will offer the series in January. The Right Stuf International, the previous North American DVD releaser of this anime, describes the story:
Destiny or delusion? It's a hilarious rollercoaster of laughter and confusion when Taishi, the ultimate otaku, drags his friend Kazuki into the swirling world of ambition, hatred, and love the world of fan comics! Poor clueless Kazuki must sink or swim when he¹s dumped straight into the middle of a massive comic convention. Lost amidst hoards of buyers, sellers, and cosplayers, Kazuki is about to be baptized by fire, all in order to lead him toward his true calling: to take over the world through fan comics!Meanwhile, Kazuki's childhood friend Mizuki isn't about to let him be dragged from his normal life without a fight! But will she be able to stop the addictive draw of the new world that lies before Kazuki? Little by little, Kazuki is slipping down the path towards destiny - and Taishi is shoving him every step of the way!
The 1991 Lupin III: Napoleon's Dictionary (Lupin Sansei: Napoleon no Jisho o Ubae) anime is the third in an annual string of television specials starring Monkey Punch's iconic thief. Discotek already licensed the first two specials, Lupin the 3rd: Bye Bye, Lady Liberty and Lupin the 3rd: The Hemingway Papers. The company will offer Lupin III: Napoleon's Dictionary in January.