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Captain Harlock CG Film DVD Listed in N. America by Ketchup Entertainment

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
English/Japanese DVD listed, with Netflix streaming also

The distribution company Ketchup Entertainment lists a DVD release of the 3D anime film Space Pirate Captain Harlock on March 3. According to the listing on the online retailer Amazon, the DVD will have both an English dubbing and "the original Japanese version."

Director Shinji Aramaki's CG film adapted Leiji Matsumoto's classic Captain Harlock manga with Toei Animation's highest production budget ever at the equivalent of more than 30 million U.S. dollars. Shun Oguri and Haruma Miura star in the Japanese voice cast as the title pirate and the new character yama, respectively.

Netflix is also streaming the movie with Japanese or Spanish audio and with English or Spanish subtitles.

Thanks to WTK for the news tip

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