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North American Anime, Manga Releases, February 8-14

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Anime Releases

Title Publisher Suggested Retail Price Date
Comic Party DVD Complete CollectionPlease Discotek Media/Eastern Star US$39.95 February 10
Digimon Fusion DVD Collection 1Cite New Video Group US$44.99 February 10
Engaged to the Unidentified Blu-ray Complete CollectionAnimeNewsNetwork Sentai Filmworks US$59.98 February 10
Engaged to the Unidentified DVD Complete CollectionPlease Sentai Filmworks US$49.98 February 10
Reideen DVD Collection 2Cite Sentai Filmworks US$49.98 February 10
Sailor Moon Blu-ray/DVD Set 2AnimeNewsNetwork Viz Media US$69.99 February 10
Sailor Moon DVD Set 2Please Viz Media US$44.82 February 10

Manga Releases

Title Publisher Suggested Retail Price Date
Ajin - Demi-Human Graphic Novel (GN) 3Cite Vertical US$12.95 February 10
Alice in the Country of Joker: Circus and liar's Game GN 7AnimeNewsNetwork Seven Seas Entertainment US$12.99 February 10
Blood Blockade Battlefront GN 7Please Dark Horse Comics US$12.99 February 11
Deadman Wonderland GN 7Cite Viz Media US$9.99 February 10
Dragonar Academy GN 5AnimeNewsNetwork Seven Seas Entertainment US$12.99 February 10
Hayate the Combat Butler GN 25Please Viz Media US$9.99 February 10
I Am Alice: Body Swap in Wonderland GN 3Cite Seven Seas Entertainment US$13.99 February 10
Magi GN 10AnimeNewsNetwork Viz Media US$9.99 February 10
Neon Genesis Evangelion GN 14Please Viz Media US$9.99 February 10
Prophecy GN 2Cite Vertical US$12.95 February 10
Samurai Executioner Omnibus GN 4AnimeNewsNetwork Dark Horse Comics US$19.99 February 10
Say, "I Love You". GN 6Please Kodansha Comics US$10.99 February 10
Tiger & Bunny GN 6Cite Viz Media US$9.99 February 10
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Omnibus GN 3AnimeNewsNetwork Kodansha Comics US$19.99 February 10
Ze GN 10 (Adult)Please Digital Manga/801 Media US$15.95 February 10

Other Releases

Title Publisher Suggested Retail Price Date
Dendera NovelCite Viz Media US$15.99 February 10
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D Nintendo 3DS GameAnimeNewsNetwork Nintendo US$39.99 February 13
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Nintendo 3DS GamePlease Nintendo US$39.99 February 13
New Nintendo 3DS XL SystemCite Nintendo US$199.99 February 13

Update: Sailor Moon publisher fixed. Thanks, Emma Iveli.

This article has a follow-up: North American Anime, Manga Releases, February 15-21 (2015-02-17 18:30)
follow-up of North American Anime, Manga Releases, February 1-7
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