Garo Anime Film's Teaser, Story, Visual, Title, Spring Release Unveiled
posted on by Egan Loo
The Kinrō Kanshasai 2015 event unveiled the teaser trailer, story, teaser visual, title, and Spring 2016 release of Garo: Divine Flame-, first Garo anime film, on Monday.
Text: Tohokushinsha Film Corporation
Text: Garo franchise's 10th anniversary work
Text: A baby born from a mother burned at the stake
Text: What that life inherited is the fateful title
Text: Garo the Movie: Divine Flame
The tagline on the visual reads, "A baby born from a mother burned at the stake — What that life inherited, is the fateful title…."
The film is a sequel set four years after Honō no Kokuin, the first Garo the Animation television series. Director Yuichiro Hayashi, head writer Yasuko Kobayashi, and the anime studio MAPPA are reuniting after working on the first Garo the Animation television series. The teaser trailer will begin running on November 28, at Tokyo's Shinjuku Wald 9 and other theaters that will run the film itself next spring.
Monday's event also announced that there will be two more live-action television series. The omnibus television series Garo -Makai Retsuden- (pictured above) will reunite the cast members of previous works next spring. The Zerō television series (pictured bottom left in image below) will be a television series version of the Zerō -Black Blood- films that opened in March 2014. Ray Fujita will reprise his starring role next year.
Makai Kagekidan, the musical group formed by the franchise's cast members, will perform a live concert of their own at Tokyo's Shibuya Guilty venue on January 31. Then, the 10th-anniversary event "Garo 10-Shūnen Kinen -Makai no En-" (Garo 10th Anniversary Makai Party) will be held at Chiba's Maihama Amphitheater on February 11.
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