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Gabriel Dropout Anime About a Lazy Angel Reveals Main Cast in 1st Promo Video

posted on by Alex Mateo

The official website for KADOKAWA ASCII Media Works' Gabriel DropOut television anime based on Ukami's manga began streaming the first promotional video on Friday. The trailer reveals the main cast and confirms the staff and plot for the upcoming show.

The cast includes:

The anime is reuniting the main staff from summer 2015's Himōto! Umaru-chan anime. Masahiko Ohta is directing the series, Katsuhiro Kumagai is serving as character designer, and Takashi Aoshima is handling the series composition at studio Dōga Kōbō.

The comedy follows Gabriel White, who graduated at the top of the class at angel school and attends a human school on earth in pursuit of knowledge, but then gets engrossed in a web game and decides it's too much trouble to go anywhere. She becomes a good-for-nothing angel, or "datenshi."

The ongoing manga series first launched in December 2013 in Kadokawa's Dengeki Daioh G gag manga magazine and serialized every other month before it began monthly serialization in April 2014. Kadokawa shipped the third compiled volume in May.

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