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Crunchyroll Adds Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress Anime to Catalog

posted on by Alex Mateo
Crunchyroll begins streaming TV anime on November 1

Crunchyroll announced on Thursday that it is adding the Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress television anime on November 1. The anime will stream in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, and the Middle East. The company also began streaming an English-subtitled trailer for the show.

The "steampunk survival action" story takes place on the island country Hinomoto, where humans hide themselves in fortresses called stations against the threat of zombie-like beings with steel hearts known as "Kabane." Only armored locomotives known as "Hayajiro" go between the stations.

The anime aired from April to July 2016. The series streamed on Amazon Prime Video with English subtitles as it aired in Japan. The series has also received two compilation films that premiered in December 2016 and January 2017 in Japan. The two films covered the anime's first season with some new and enhanced scenes. Crunchyroll screened the films in North American theaters in April 2017.

The anime reunited director Tetsuro Araki and Wit Studio, the team responsible for Attack on Titan. Code Geass creator Ichirō Ōkouchi wrote the scripts. Haruhiko Mikimoto (Macross 7, Gunbuster) designed the original characters, and Hiroyuki Sawano (Attack on Titan, Aldnoah.Zero) composed the music.

Netflix began streaming the Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: The Battle of Unato (Kōtetsujō no Kabaneri: Unato Kessen) sequel anime film on September 13. The film opened in Japan on May 10 and screened for a two-week limited engagement. The film opened at #10 at the box office in Japan and topped the mini-theater ranking in its opening weekend. The anime previously debuted on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video in Japan.

Source: Crunchyroll

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