Glacier Bay Books Licenses Star Clock Liddell, Juuji and Aichi, Tonio Manga
posted on by Adriana Hazra
Glacier Bay Books announced on Wednesday that it has licensed Yoshimi Uchida's Star Clock Liddell manga (pictured at right) and Junko Yoshitomi's Juuji and Aichi manga. The company will also publish Shinnnosuke Saika's Tonio, the next volume in the artist's Sleepy Child series. The company will publish all three titles in English in 2022.
Glacier Bay Books describes Star Clock Liddell:
Uchida's quiet yet firm lines delineate another world too familiar to our own... Young American socialite Hugh is haunted by recurring dreams of a silent house shadowed in mystery. Slowly becoming overcome by a premonition of living on the "other side", he turns to his close friends for advice. And then one day, a girl appears in his dream asking for help...A story about a man who becomes a ghost, which reaches for multiple deep themes about the nature of "home", where people go when they find it, and when they lose it.
The company plans to release the 190-page first volume in print in 2022 with a translation by rkp.
Glacier Bay Books describes Juuji and Aichi:
"Hidden in my right pocket… were all of my sins." A historical mystery about two men, an unsellable mangaka and a popular fantasy novelist, set in the fictional boarding house "Ryokukan" in the Meiji and Taisho eras and drawing on multiple literary works. Their debut work and winner of the 2020 CAKES Creator Contest.
The company will release the first volume digitally and in print in 2022.
Glacier Bay Books describes Tonio:
In "Tonio", Saika revisits the slightly mysterious character first introduced in "That Child", and spools out their prior life, from before they came to meet Mato... A story that looks back into the past of a child lost in time.
KiraKira Media Inc.'s digital manga service Azuki added Miyoshi's Rabbit Game from Glacier Bay Books in November, and plans to release other titles from Glacier Bay Books in the future.
Source: Glacier Bay Book's Twitter account (link 2) (link 3)