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Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa Anime Streams Clean Opening Sequence

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda
Title sequence features Leon Niihama's opening song "Tsukamaete, Konya"

The official Twitter account for the television anime of Mayuko Kanba's Detective Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san (Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa) manga began streaming the clean, credit-less opening animation sequence for the anime on Friday. The video features the anime's opening theme song "Tsukamaete, Konya." (Arrest Me Tonight.) by Leon Niihama.

The anime will premiere on the Tokyo MX and Yomiuri TV channels on October 3, and will premiere on BS NTV and on Netflix in Japan on October 4.

Shōta Aoi will play the titular protagonist Hanzawa-san. Inori Minase will play Hanzawa's pet Pometarō. Megumi Hayashibara and Rikiya Koyama will reprise their roles as Ai Haibara and Kogorō Mōri, respectively. Akira Ishida plays Saguru Hakuba in the anime. Other returning cast members include Naoko Matsui as Sonoko Suzuki, Kenichi Ogata as Professor Agasa, Wataru Takagi as Genta KOJIMA, Ikue Ōtani as Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya, Yukiko Iwai as Ayumi Yoshida, Chafūrin as Jūzō Megure, Kenyuu Horiuchi as Harufumi Mogi, Emi Shinohara as Ikumi Soda, and Minoru Inaba as Shukujiro Ogami.

Leon Niihama performs the anime's opening theme song "Tsukamaete, Konya." (Arrest Me Tonight.), while Mai Kuraki performs the ending theme song "Secret, voice of my heart."

Detective Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san is a gag manga that stars the black-silhouetted "criminal" that appears in Detective Conan chapters to represent the mystery culprits. The manga debuted in Shōnen Sunday S in May 2017. The manga's sixth compiled book volume shipped in Japan in October 2021.

Gōshō Aoyama's Detective Conan manga also inspired a recent anime adaptation of a spinoff manga, Takahiro Arai's Detective Conan: Zero no Tea Time (Detective Conan: Zero's Tea Time). The anime premiered on April 5, and ended with its sixth episode on May 9. Netflix will release the anime worldwide outside of Japan in July.

Sources: Detective Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san anime's Twitter account, Comic Natalie

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