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Nintendo Switch Online Adds Ridge Racer 64 Game

posted on by Adriana Hazra
Game originally launched for Nintendo 64 console in February 2000

Nintendo's X/Twitter account announced on Friday that Nintendo Switch Online has added the Ridge Racer 64 game. The game is available with the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack at no additional cost.

The company streamed a trailer for the game.

The game originally launched for the Nintendo 64 console in February 2000 in North America and in July 2000 in Europe. It was later ported to the Nintendo DS handheld console in December 2004.

The online subscription's expansion pack added the Fatal Fury 2, Sutte Hakkun, and Super Ninja Boy games on January 24, with Sutte Hakkun releasing in English for the first time.

Source: Nintendo of America's X/Twitter account via Game Yoridori SubCul Midori Park

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