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Viz Media, Manga Plus Add New Embers Manga

posted on by Anita Tai
New chapters publish simultaneously with Japanese release

Cover art for Embers
Image via mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp

Viz Media and Shueisha's MANGA Plus are simultaneously publishing Kei Kurumazaki and Sotaro Nishii's Embers manga in English, adding the first chapter on Sunday.

MANGA Plus describes the story:

Middle school brawler Noboru Haitani has never lost a fight. But the bitter taste of a soccer defeat gradually warms him up to the sport, until one day Haitani finds himself in a match against a team featuring middle school soccer prodigy Takami. An outlaw fights his way into the world of soccer!

Kurumazaki and Nishii launched the series in this year's 10th issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump on Monday.

Source: Viz Media, Manga Plus

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