Beheneko: The Elf-Girl's Cat is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster!
Episode 6
by MrAJCosplay,
How would you rate episode 6 of
Beheneko: The Elf-Girl's Cat is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster! ?
Community score: 3.6

For a brief moment, I genuinely thought this show would go in a dark and thought-provoking direction. Thank God we dodged that bullet, am I right? We know this show is capable of delving into semi-serious topics and can be quite funny when it's not trying to be in your face with one of the worst jokes ever. Still, it's nice to know that this episode gets us right back on track because not only did we immediately drop the potentially tantalizing plot point of Stella confronting her corpse, but now we get introduced to Lily and Feri in this episode with all of the grace and beauty of a wet fart. Based on the opening, they will be making up the rest of the show's harem, but even if I didn't know that, they are drawn to Tama from frame one.
Seriously, at least all the other characters had a genuine moment where they became infatuated with Tama. These two just show up to help in the forest with all of their attention on him immediately. We haven't gone completely off the deep end with them yet, but I'm sure it's coming, so why even try to fight it? I wish the episode would've at least given me something nice to look at, because it felt like the animation quality took a hit here. There wasn't a lot of life or energy to the movements and even something as kinetic as Aria's speedup feature looked so janky compared to how it was portrayed before.
The only thing I found interesting about this episode is the foreshadowing of the guy who hired our cast for the quest. He seems like an OK guy at first, but it's clear that he's cooking something in the background. While it's incredibly obvious he's up to something, I'm very curious about his reasons. This is probably the first time the cast is confronting a character that isn't as blatantly evil or a mindless monster from a dungeon. However, I got my hopes up last week and was immediately disappointed, so who is to say the same thing won't happen again?
AJ also streams regularly on Twitch as the indie Vtuber Bolts The Mechanic where they talk about and play retro media!
Beheneko: The Elf-Girl's Cat is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster! is currently streaming on HIDIVE on Saturdays.
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