Anime's 27th, final episode aired on Sunday― The official X/Twitter account for the anime of Hitsuji Gondaira's Mission: Yozakura Family (Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen) manga revealed on Sunday that the anime will get a second season, and is streaming an announcement video. The anime's 27th and final episode aired on Sunday. The anime premiered in Japan on April 7 on MBS, TBS, and 26 of their affil...
The Everything Goes School of Martial Arts is now in session with the RANMA 1/2 reboot! Also: You are Ms. servant, Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Blue Exorcist: Beyond the Snow Saga, Orb: On the Movements of the Earth, BLUE LOCK 2nd Season and more!― Welcome to Anime News Network's Fall 2024 Anime Preview Guide! Here's how it goes: our team of critics writes up their impressions instantly, to be ...
While Tonbo! isn’t an outright terrible show, it fails at making golf feel exciting and giving the audience much outside of that, both of which make for one of the dullest sports anime I’ve ever sat through.― There are two things that I should probably mention here. The first is that I'm not much of a sports guy. I don't dislike sports per se, and I enjoy watching football and basketball games on oc...
Announced at Saturday event for anime― An event for the television anime of Akihiro Ononaka's Gushing Over Magical Girls (Mahō Shōjo ni Akogarete) manga announced with a teaser on Saturday that production on a second season has been green-lit. J-Novel Club licensed the manga, and it describes the story:
Hi, I'm Hiiragi Utena. I'm a normal magical-girl-loving middle school girl—or at least I was, but...
Jean-Karlo levels with the audience about supposed Dragon Quest censorship, catches up on Tokyo Game Show announcements, and celebrates Monolith's 25th anniversary.― Welcome back, folks! I had a great time at Portland Retro Game Expo last week. We had a weird bit where someone triggered the fire alarm, and we had to wait outside for a few minutes, but it was a great time overall. I got to meet some ...
Go! Princess Pretty Cure is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, seasons to be officially released in English.― With this second half of Go! Princess Pretty Cure, one thing becomes obvious: Haruka is a pillar of strength. While she didn't necessarily demonstrate that concretely in the first half, we can now see that she was internalizing a lot of what she learned and is now ready to share it ...
With major collaborations and sold-out concert halls slowly starting to crop up here in the U.S., hololive has been one of the spearheads of this rise in popularity.― In the past couple of years, VTubing has continued to grow as an inventive and influential form of entertainment. With major collaborations and sold-out concert halls slowly starting to crop up here in the U.S., hololive has been one ...
NieR recovers from its mid-season drop while The Elusive Samurai pays the price of slacking off in its last few episodes. Discover all the other last-minute surprises in the final ranking of the Summer 2024 season!― Let's have a look at what ANN readers consider the best (and worst) of the season,
based on the polls you can find in our Daily Streaming Reviews
and on the Your Score page with the lat...
At turns utterly hilarious, before quickly becoming unbelievably tense and dramatic, I was never once bored by The Fable, even sometimes forgetting how ghastly the animation was.― What is it about manga featuring ex-criminals attempting to go straight that attracts anime productions with such terrible animation quality? 2021's The Way of the Househusband became meme-worthy for its almost total absen...
Special based on One Piece novel Mugiwara Stories short story collection premieres on October 20― The official website for the Eiichiro Oda's One Piece manga announced on Thursday that the manga's television anime is celebrating its 25th anniversary with an anime special titled One Piece Fan Letter that will premiere on October 20. The special will be based on Tomohito Ōsaki's One Piece novel Mugiwa...
Trio's founder, former composer Yuki Kajiura not involved with reunion concert― The official Twitter account for the disbanded Kalafina singer trio announced on Thursday that the trio will reunite for an anniversary concert at the Tokyo Garden Theater on January 15. Yuki Kajiura, the founder and former composer for the trio, made a statement on her X (formerly Twitter) account that she is not involv...
Hollywood Reporter: Red Notice's Rawson Marshall Thurber helms film's Australian shoot― Entertainment news source The Hollywood Reporter posted on Wednesday that Amazon MGM Studios is moving forward with the live-action Voltron project (which it describes as a feature film), and has cast Daniel Quinn-Toye as a lead actor. Quinn-Toye served as Tom Holland's understudy and as Paris in the West End pro...
Sure, you could play as Goku but why not play as the world's most popular hero, Mr. Satan?― Like clockwork, another Dragon Ball fighting game is being released with Dragon Ball! Sparking: Zero. For a novice Dragon Ball fighting game player such as myself, it appears on the surface not much has changed. But with a little help from the Tokyo Game Show 2024 staff, I was able to navigate some of the new...
Big fan of the Peanuts gang? Discover how Snoopy’s creator, Charles M. Schulz’s love for art at a young age led to his career drawing a comic strip known by every American household.― Despite growing up with the Peanuts comic strip and owning a minimum of five pieces of Snoopy merchandise, I admittedly knew very little about Charles M. Schulz prior to reading this manga biography. During San Diego C...
New systems and a bigger focus on story might just be enough to draw back in this lapsed Monster Hunter player.― The Monster Hunter game series is fascinating to me. It's a game that's designed around the grind of hunting or capturing monsters so you can use their body parts to make better weapons and armor so you can hunt even tougher monsters. It's as if you grind for the sake of grinding and noth...
This the TGS 2024 demo was fast and fun for even the most casual fan.― Sonic is back with his edgelord rival Shadow in Sonic X Shadow Generations. I'm a lapsed and casual Sonic fan in that I've played some levels from the older Sonic games, namely Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2, and Sonic: Adventure, about once every 3-5 years, and I have a blast every time. But I generally stick with the titular chara...