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by Callum May,

Human Lost

Human Lost
From the chief director of PSYCHO-PASS, director of Afro Samurai, and the studio that brought you Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters. The year is 2036. A revolution in medical treatment has conquered death by means of internal nanomachines and the "S.H.E.L.L." system, yet only the richest can afford to partake. Yozo Oba isn't the richest. Troubled by strange dreams, he flippantly joins his friend's biker gang on an ill-fated incursion to "The Inside", where society's elite lives. This instigates a journey of terrifying discovery that will change Yozo's life forever.

Ambitious adaptation is too often gone ignored within the anime space. With publishers overseeing and being deeply involved in the creation of TV or film adaptations, there's often little opportunity to try new things. Therefore, it's common to see works that reinterpret or change the setting of classic literature that has since entered the public domain. This allows modern writers and directors to take these stories and create a new context around them.

This was the approach of Human Lost, an adaptation of Osamu Dazai's 1948 novel “No Longer Human”. While paying homage to the original with the characters and core elements of the narrative, Human Lost itself is an entirely different beast, resembling Psycho-Pass or Ghost in the Shell far more than anything Dazai sought to portray. Ultimately, the adaptation choices it made were interesting, but the result is a lack of intimacy and a distracting amount of science fiction concepts.

There's still a lot to like about Human Lost, but with the emphasis on “a lot”. Yōzō Oba brings along many of the troubles of his namesake for this adaptation, with some being represented literally. For example, the title of the novel “No Longer Human” refers to the idea of being disqualified from a specific idea of society. In Human Lost, we see humans literally transform into monsters, and question, “Are they No Longer Human? Or have we already forsaken that by avoiding death?”

On paper, these are interesting questions and they're framed in a Shin Megami Tensei-like way, with one character representing a bright future, and the other advocating for one of chaos. Much like in the novel, Yōzō Oba is ultimately trapped between their influences and regresses into the film's unique idea of self-destruction. But unlike the novel, the audience isn't trapped with him. Instead, the film attempts to balance its exploration of this conflict with other societal issues and character motivations.

Without the time to fully explore all these ideas in practice, the result is a whole lot of sci-fi technobabble and long speeches about abstract concepts, but little reason to actually care about the characters or what's happening to them. For an adaptation of a novel written in first person, we have a very basic idea of what Yōzō's actually going through and the direction of the film does little to aid with this.

The audience does get to experience some cool fight scenes and an especially exciting motorbike chase with Boston Dynamics-like dogs near the beginning, but an unfortunate amount of the runtime is spent with characters talking in platitudes with dream-like backgrounds. Some of these do effectively explore character relationships, but too often fail to make an impact.

This is also the case in regards to the visuals. There are effective scenes and some great designs, but ultimately the visual direction lacks character. We've seen the team at Polygon Pictures tackle sci-fi worlds plenty of times before, but the grey walls and outfits can get grating quickly. We can look forward to a brighter approach in Drifting Dragons, but for now, it's a combination between the holographic designs of Psycho-Pass with the typical greys of Polygon Pictures sci-fi.

Although even with a more visually interesting world, it wasn't going to make up for the lack of emotional impact in Human Lost's narrative and characters. It's worth discussing when talking about creative adaptation, but for the casual viewer, it's likely to be a forgettable experience.

Overall (sub) : C+
Story : C
Animation : B
Art : B+
Music : B-

+ An interesting approach to adaptation, cool sci-fi concepts and conflicts, an awesome motorbike chase where you get to see bikers kick Boston Dynamics dogs.
Little reason to care about any of the characters, the world lacks any visual interest, a silly amount of technobabble.

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Production Info:
Chief Director: Katsuyuki Motohiro
Director: Fuminori Kizaki
Script: Tow Ubukata
Story & Art: Usamaru Furuya
Music: Yūgo Kanno
Original creator: Osamu Dazai
Character Design: Yūsuke Kozaki
Art Director:
Shigemi Ikeda
Yukiko Maruyama
Animation Director: Hiroshi Ohtake
Sound Director: Yoshikazu Iwanami
Director of Photography: Akira Hirabayashi
Mitsugu Iwano
Toshiaki Obata
Licensed by:
FUNimation Entertainment

Full encyclopedia details about
No Longer Human (manga by Furuya)
Human Lost (movie)

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