Shōnen Maid
Episode 7
by Amy McNulty,
How would you rate episode 7 of
Shōnen Maid ?
Community score: 4.3
This week, Shōnen Maid makes its first foray into episode-length storytelling since the series premiere. Although the story beats are still largely predictable, episode 7 is the show's least trope-y installment to date. Also, despite the episode's relatively relaxed pace, the proceedings seldom drag or feel needlessly drawn out, and the comedy and schmaltz feel perfectly balanced. In short, this is as good as Shōnen Maid has ever been.
The beginning of this week's misadventure reveals that Chihiro has never been fond of his school's annual Parents' Day. Even when his mother was still alive, he refused to bring the event to her attention, reasoning that it would only be a bother to the perpetually-overworked Chiyo. However, Chihiro's teacher isn't about to let him off easy this year and orders him to deliver the Parents' Day flyer to Madoka. To further complicate matters, students are expected to compose essays on their dreams for the future, which will be read in front of the visiting parents. At first, it seems like Chihiro is simply worried about Madoka humiliating him in front of his peers—and he sort of is. More than that, though, he's afraid of cutting into his uncle's work time and coming off as needy.
Despite his initial trepidation, inviting Madoka to the event proves to be a boon for Chihiro. With his uncle's help, he comes to realize that his insatiable love of cleaning and desire for wealth would make him the perfect hotel baron. (The fact that Madoka suggests the job shows how well he's come to know his nephew.) This revelation enables him to write an essay that both impresses and surprises his teacher. Although Madoka winds up embarrassing his nephew at the post-event parent-teacher conference, his behavior isn't nearly as off-the-wall as Chihiro expected. (If anything, Chihiro acts stranger than Madoka does.)
Unlike last week's gag-heavy offering, episode 7 allows its jokes to spring up organically instead of bombarding the audience with slapstick. All of this episode's jokes are completely in line with each of the characters' established personalities, and not a single one feels out of place. Additionally, keeping the focus primarily on Chihiro and Madoka provided the show's core relationship with some room to develop. Over the last couple weeks, these two haven't had much in the way of one-on-one interactions, so seeing them play off one another without the presence of multiple supporting characters is a refreshing change of pace. If these two are your favorite characters, you'll be pleased to learn that both of them have an abundance of poignant and funny moments this week.
This week's Shōnen Maid manages to skillfully sustain a single story throughout its entire runtime. While said story is predictable for the most part, this episode marks the first time the show has some genuine surprises up its sleeve. At this point, it's become abundantly clear that Shōnen Maid isn't going for originality. However, the fun ways in which the show puts its mark on time-tested sitcom storylines have yet to grow tiresome.
Rating: A-
Shōnen Maid is currently streaming on Funimation.
Amy is a YA fantasy author who has loved anime for over two decades.
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