Shōnen Maid
Episode 8
by Amy McNulty,
How would you rate episode 8 of
Shōnen Maid ?
Community score: 4.2
With summer right around the corner, Shōnen Maid rolls out an oddly-timed (though very enjoyable) winter break episode. While both of this week's stories are fairly transparent and uneventful, the characters and jokes remain as charming as ever. In fact, in terms of comedy, this is probably the outright funniest episode Shōnen Maid has given us. There's still a bit of sitcom-y schmaltz sprinkled throughout both segments, but the laughs are definitely the main draw this time around.
As this week's first story reveals, Chihiro spends the holidays engaged in his favorite pastime: rampant cleaning. Armed with the cutting-edge vacuum cleaner Madoka bought him for Christmas, the Littlest Maid proceeds to work his magic on the Takatori estate. Even though Chihiro's happy as a clam, his friends and family think he should take a break from his self-imposed duties, prompting them to pitch in and relieve him of his burden. However, cleaning the mansion to Chihiro's liking turns out to be quite the lofty undertaking. (The fact that Hino and the gang take their friend's constant criticisms in stride is truly a testament to how much they care for him.)
Chihiro's obsession with cleaning is among the show's most frequently utilized running gags, and this segment goes all-out in mining it for comedy. Even after the mansion has been cleaned from top to bottom, he's still able to rattle off a handful of chores that need tending to. In some respects, the titular maid acts like an exaggerated caricature of himself throughout much of this segment—which would be more of a problem if the results weren't so entertaining. Seeing the other characters' individual approaches to maid work also provides a steady assortment of laughs. For the most part, their preferred cleaning methods that correspond to their respective personalities, with none of them meeting Chihiro's approval. Madoka “cleaning” the kitchen by throwing out all the dirty pots, pans, and baking accoutrements is particularly funny, if predictable.
Chihiro is finally able to take a breather in the second segment, where he travels to the Takatori family's winter cottage with his uncle, Keiichiro, Hino, and Miyako to ring in the new year. Although Chihiro is chomping at the bit to clean the secluded vacation home, his efforts are continuously hampered by the residence's unseen caretaker. Even though the aim of this trip was to give Chihiro a rest, Madoka and company ultimately decide to let him do what he loves in light of his forlorn attitude.
This segment doesn't feature much in the way of plot, but seeing the show's principal cast (plus Hino) hang out in a secluded locale for 10 minutes is surprisingly fun. Chihiro happily watching the first sunset of the year with Madoka helps illustrate that the tightly-wound neat freak is slowly but surely beginning to warm up to his eccentric uncle. I'm also intrigued by the mysterious caretaker. I assumed this person's identity would be revealed by the end of the episode, but maybe leaving them in the shadows was the right choice. Their presence (or lack thereof) adds a little intrigue to the proceedings, although every mention of the character feels like the buildup to a joke that's never told.
Although this week's Shōnen Maid is far from a holiday classic, it's still a fun romp—no matter what time of year you happen to be watching it. Nearly every major character introduced thus far has a few funny moments, and silliness is turned up a few notches in favor of dialing back the drama. Fans of Shōnen Maid's lighter side are sure to have blast.
Rating: B+
Shōnen Maid is currently streaming on Funimation.
Amy is a YA fantasy author who has loved anime for over two decades.
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