TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You Season 2
Episode 3
by MrAJCosplay,
How would you rate episode 3 of
TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You (TV 2) ?
Community score: 4.3
Now this was the direction I hoped the series would take for the sake of variety without deviating too much from one of its key focuses. Nasa and Tsukasa have something very special that you don't often see in a lot of media or even real life, for that matter. In a very cynical world where people are constantly second-guessing themselves, it's nice to come across a couple that is so sure of themselves. Not only does it instill a sense of hope for the future, but it also can instill confidence in one's own future. Granted, our main couple didn't directly spur the relationship progression between Taniguchi and Naoko, but that final line about marriage clearly shows that there was an influence.
I like Tsukasa's self-awareness about recognizing the role that she and Nasa play in this episode. They are not the focus once they arrive at the amusement park, so they are responsible for staying out of the way and letting the central romantic development occur between these two teachers. I like how they even frame fading into the background as something that needed to get done, as if they almost prevented a flag in a video game from being set off. While it was nice also to see Tsukasa's sister enjoying herself in the background, there wasn't much of a reason for her to be here except for highlighting some similarities between Chitose and Tsukasa. Maybe the joke is that one sister intentionally fades into the background while the other naturally ends up there. Either way, this was cute, and I wonder if we'll see other relationships blossom in the future, thanks to the sweet influence of my favorite married couple.
TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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