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Slave Doll - Maid to Order (OAV)

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Alternative title:
Esclava sexual (Spanish)
Fragile : Poupée esclave (French)
Kowaremono - Fragile Hearts Series (Japanese)
こわれもの - Fragile Hearts Series (Japanese)
Genres: erotica
Themes: magical girl
Objectionable content: Pornography
Plot Summary: Aki is an Andromaid, half android, half maid. Created to infiltrate the house of Kenichi, she disguises herself as an ordinary housekeeper. Her mission is to capture a sample of Kenichi's superior sperm, but she ends up with more than she bargained for...
User Ratings: 34 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 1 vote (sub:1)
 Excellent: 1 vote (sub:1)
 Very good: 2 votes (sub:2)
 Good: 5 votes (sub:4, dub:1)
 Decent: 11 votes (sub:10, dub:1)
 So-so: 5 votes (sub:4, raw:1)
 Not really good: 4 votes (sub:4)
 Weak: 3 votes (sub:3)
 Bad: 2 votes (sub:2)
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 115 users, rank: #5047 (of 9879)
Median rating: Decent
Arithmetic mean: 5.588 (Decent−), std. dev.: 1.8169, rank: #8454 (of 10018)
Weighted mean: 5.422 (So-so+), rank: #8732 (of 10018) (seen all: 5.46 / seen some: 7.00 / won't finish: 3.00)
Bayesian estimate: 5.990 (Decent), rank: #6676 (of 7559)
Running time: 31 minutes per episode
Number of episodes: 3
Episode titles: We have 2
Vintage: 2000-05-20 to 2000-11-20
Release dates: We have 6
Other article: Show:
Shelf Life - Xs and Ys (Mar 25, 2003)
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DVD (Region 1)
    Slave Doll - Maid to Order (DVD) 2003-03-25

Japanese staff
Japanese companies
Production: Soft on Demand
Japanese cast
English cast
English staff
Director: Joe Queens
Art Director: Shitaka
J. Yoshizawa
Executive producer: Gary Sierra

Editing: iksnae
Mixing: Tony Archer
Packaging Design: DERAK
Pro Tools: George Fabian
Production Assistant: Roller Girl
Production manager: Scotie Mack
Production Supervision: Jharmoni Magasaki
Script Adaptation: Joe Queens
Translation Manager: Roller Girl
Chris Anderson as Masa
Christie Tibodeaux as
Aki 2
Cinthia Gough as Aki
Frank Adams as Friend 1
Fred O'Reily as Kenechi
Joe Queens as
Julian Asner as Friend 2
Louis Kent as Tim
Roger Malone as Joe
English companies
Distributor: Kitty Media
Licensed by: Media Blasters
Recording Studio: Perfect Sound Studios
French staff
French cast
ADR Director: Laure Hurlin

Adaptation: Julien Delaneuville
French companies
ADR Production: Les studios de Saint Maur
Distributor: EVA (Kaze label)
Spanish staff
Spanish cast
Carme Ambrós as Aki (Spain dub)

Carles Lladó as Keichi (Spain dub)

Carme Ambrós (Spain dub)
Daniel Albiac (Spain dub)
Francesc Rocamora (Spain dub)
Oscar Redondo (Spain dub)
Spanish companies
Distributor: Llamentol (Barcelona)
Dubbing Studio: Cristal Media (Spain dub)

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