Gate Keepers - Infiltration (Dub.VHS 3 of 8)

Volume: Dub.VHS 3 / 8
Running time: 75
Distributor: Geneon Entertainment Inc.
Release date: 2002-01-15
Suggested retail price: $24.98
Age rating: 13+
UPC: 013023171633
While struggling to locate Invaders suspected of causing airplane accidents around the world, the Gate Keepers discover Invaders disguised as an airplane! However, the manifestation of their teacher into an Invader forces the Gate Keeper agents to recognize full extent of the Invaders' reach. But, the greatest shock is still to come - a Gate Keeper is working with the Invaders!!
(added on 2001-09-30, modified on 2001-10-18)
- Encyclopedia information about Gate Keepers (TV)