Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina - The Complete Series (Blu-ray)

Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 300
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment
Release date: 2021-10-26
Suggested retail price: $64.98
Age rating: 14+
SKU: FN-10493
UPC: 704400104930
Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina contains episodes 1-12 of the anime directed by Toshiyuki Kubooka.
For Elaina, life’s a big adventure. Inspired by her favorite book, she grows to become a witch and see the world she’s read so much about. With everyone she meets, she becomes part of their tale as they become part of hers. So, where to next?
Special Features: Web Previews, Promo Videos, Commercials, Textless Opening and Closing Songs.
(added on 2021-07-15, modified on 2021-07-15)
- Encyclopedia information about Wandering Witch - The Journey of Elaina (TV)