Toradora! (TV)

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In the third ep, Kushieda talk about the Labour Revolution Files from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.
During Episode 10, Minori Kushieda cries "Hau au! It's dark. It's narrow. I'm scared!" when they enter the cave. Yūsaku Kitamura responds with a "Where have I heard that phrase before?". Yui Horie, the voice actor for Minori, also voiced Hanyuu from the anime series "Higurashi no Naku Koroni Kai". Hanyuu's catch phrase is "Hau au!"
Episode 10 - 10:30 to 10:33min, Kushieda says the line "kurai yo, semai yo, kowai yo" crying (u-u), this is the line of Shuutaro Mendou from Urusei Yatsura - one of most famous anime from Rumiko Takahashi (who also created Inuyasha and Ranma), who is claustrophobic and scared by darkness
The repetitive phrase that Taiga is always saying "Uru-sai X3" or "Shut Up X3" resembles that of Shana's (Shakugan no Shana) way of saying the same phrase, another J.C. Staff Work
In ep 9, (on the train), the song that Taiga plays is the opening song.
As mentioned above, Taiga's catch phrase is "Uru-sai!" This is similar to Shana from Shakugan no Shana which is another J.C. Staff anime. However both of these characters are voiced by the same actress: Rie Kugimiya
Ami’s favorite spot between the two vending machines is a possible metaphor of her causing trouble within taigas and Ryuuji overall relationship. The two vending machines symbolizes the two homes of Taiga and Ryuuji, Ami is between them causing trouble. "Now I realize that everything would sort itself out if i left" ( Ami episode 23.)
In episode 4 around the 13 minute mark, the shop next to Sudohbucks (play on Starbucks) is called Furukawa Panya (bakery). This is a reference to Clannad, in which the bread shop is owned by the furukawa family.
In episode 7, at 16:50, when Minori notices that Taiga was wearing breast pads to increase her breast size, she remarks "Ginyu Tokusentai", which is the Japanese name for the Ginyu Force from Dragonball Z. This is a pun as Ginyu can also mean "fake breasts".
In episode 8, from 5:50 to 6:06, plays a music that's is a homage to the Vangelis famous theme in the 1981 movie, Chariots of Fire.
In episode 9, if some of you did not quite get what Ryuuji and Minori was talking about regarding to "Ghosts", here's a simple explanation: "Ghosts" represents the People outside of the Family Tree whom really Cares, Admires and Loves Us. Ex: Lover, Admirer, Secret Admirer, Crushes etc....... Minori wants to See nor just even Feel that certain "Ghost", w/c is Ryuuji, but since Ryuuji unconsciously does everything in favor to Taiga, Minori never saw Ryuuji done something Grand nor Repetitive to her and that made Minori think that she really cant See nor even Feel Ghosts, as for Ryuuji, he wants her to see Ghosts because HE is the Ghost that Admires her, though he's a Blockhead for not doing anything that will make her Feel nor See his Presence... all of Ryuuji's Actions is very Evident to Taiga Only, In other words, Taiga already saw the Ghost, the Ghost Ryuuji....... this Mind Blowing chat of theirs has a good lesson: Actions Speaks Louder than Words
In episode 14, when Minori was telling Ryuuji what picture she's ordering, she announces it just like how someone from Yu-Gi-Oh! (especially "Yami Yugi") would announce their moves.
In episode 17, the song Minori is singing is the Minorified version of "Mononoke Hime" song from Hiyao Miyazaki's movie of the same name.
In episode 17, around, 3:58, Taiga makes a remark about Ryuuji being like Hachiko the dog. Hachiko was a real dog that lived from 1923 till 1935. He is remembered because after his owner (Hidesaburō Ueno) died, Hachiko kept waiting for him at Shibuya station. That is the station Ueno normally used to return from work. Hachiko did this for 9 years till Hachiko himself died. Hachiko has become a symbol of loyalty.
In episode 20, when the group is at Taiga's apartment, immediately following the discovery of the picture of the former Student Council President, one can see the "Twitter Whale" (the image in conjunction with the "over capacity" Twitter error message) on Minorin's cup.
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