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Happy Setsubun From Around the Anime World, Part I

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross

Early February in Japan marks the cultural holiday of Setsubun, or the transition from winter to spring. For prosperity and happiness, people eat ehōmaki (unsliced sushi rolls with seven lucky ingredients) while facing the latest direction of auspicious fortune. (This year, it's west-southwest.) They drive out bad spirits and call good spirits into their homes by tossing roasted soybeans or mamemaki. The anime and manga world is bringing in the good spirits with these Setsubun greetings:

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Image via x.com


Image via x.com

Kakuji Fujita (Baccano! From the 1700s!)


Kōsuke Masuda (Masuda Kōsuke Gekijō Gag Manga Biyori)

Setsubun Countdown

Masaki (Kigurumi Kazoku)

Image via x.com

It's not something you scatter like caltrop spikes.

Princession Orchestra

Rumiko Takahashi (Urusei Yatsura)

Frieren came to visit on Setsubun!

Shikaru Neko

Image via x.com

Yayoi Hizuki (Class no Ikya Ojōsama no Shitsuji ni Narimashita)

Original heartwarming Setsubun manga.👹 Ko Oni-chan.

Yūsuke Nakamura (The Tatami Galaxy)

Good fortune and demons in my heart.

Did we miss any Setsubun greetings? Feel free to let us know in our forums or by email!

This article has a follow-up: Happy Setsubun From Around the Anime World, Part II (2025-02-02 11:30)
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