Jeremy Graves Leaves Manga Entertainment

posted on by Andrew Osmond
Community liaison officer for Manga Entertainment and host of the company's podcast.

Jeremy Graves, the community liaison officer for Manga Entertainment, put the following announcement on his Instagram account.

I'm leaving my current job next week (with my last day being Friday 12th December) as I embark on a exciting opportunity that's been offered to me...Out of respect to my current employer I won't reveal what lies ahead for me just yet, but it's going to be an exciting change and one I can't wait to get started on.

As part of his work at Manga, Graves was the regular host of the company's podcast. (The above picture shows Graves, centre, presenting the podcast between Jerome Mazandarani, right, and Andrew Hewson, left.)

This follows the recent announcement of the departures of both Mazandarani and Hewson from the company last month.

Via UK Anime News.

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