Danganronpa Writer Says 2's Characters' Stories Ended With Game
posted on by Sarah Nelkin
Kadokawa's Weekly Famitsu magazine revealed new details for the Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibōgamine Gakuen television anime earlier this week, including characters connected to the original Danganronpa game. Since the reveal, the game's original scenario writer and creator Kazutaka Kodaka discussed why the anime adaptation is jumping straight to 3 and why there isn't an a planned anime adaptation of the Danganronpa 2 game.
The characters for the Danganronpa anime were announced, it seems. The reason we skipped an anime of 2 is because we wanted to show you a new Danganronpa. 2's story ended in 2, and those characters' stories ended there.アニメ、ダンガンロンパ3の新キャラが発表になりましたねー。アニメの2を飛ばしたのは新しいダンガンロンパを見せたかったから。2は2で終わった話だし、あのキャラ達の物語はあれでお終い。
— 小高和剛 (@kazkodaka) March 24, 2016
[This] weekend's promo video isn't a surprise announcement for an anime of Danganronpa 2 or something. It's something related to 3.週末のPVは、まさかのダンガンロンパ2アニメ化とかそういうのじゃないから。あくまで3に関するものだから。
— 小高和剛 (@kazkodaka) March 24, 2016
Well, maybe it'd be nice if we could have the characters from 2 have some kind of spin-off like Dangan Kirigiri and Dangan Togami. Personally, I don't really feel like writing it so maybe someone else can do it...まぁ、2のキャラもダンガン霧切とかダンガン十神とかスピンオフで展開できたらいいかもしれませんね。僕的にはあまり書く気はないから誰かに。。。
— 小高和剛 (@kazkodaka) March 24, 2016
It's not like I hate the characters from 2, but for example, I can't write a "what happened after" for the characters of 2 so easily. After all, I'd have to dig really deep down. It's also impossible to rebuild the title from zero as a different work. I don't want to end this in cheap fan service.2のキャラが嫌いな訳じゃなくて、たとえば2のキャラのその後を描こうとしても軽くは出来ない訳ですよ。深く掘り下げないといけないので。また別の作品としてゼロから組み立てないと無理なんですよ。ただの軽いファンサービスで終わらせたくないので。
— 小高和剛 (@kazkodaka) March 24, 2016
They're characters I created, so there's no way I'd hate them. It just really ticks me off when people say "But you skipped 2!" or "You really hate 2's characters!" all the damn time. I don't hate them, but I'm not going to write their story, and I CAN'T write their story.自分が産んだキャラだから嫌いな訳ないじゃないの。なのに2飛ばしたーとか、2のキャラ嫌いだーとか、ばかり言われるとイラッとする。嫌いじゃないけど書かないし書けないだけ。
— 小高和剛 (@kazkodaka) March 24, 2016
The final episode of the Danganronpa The Animation ended in 2013 with an image of the Super Danganronpa 2: Sayonara Zetsubō Gakuen game character Monomi. Voice actress Megumi Ogata (Makoto Naegi) followed up the final episode's debut by asking her followers to buy more Danganronpa Blu-ray Discs and DVDs for a chance at an anime adaptation of the Super Danganronpa 2: Sayonara Zetsubō Gakuen game.
The Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibōgamine Gakuen television anime series will be the conclusion of the "Hope's Peak Academy" series' original story. Spike Chunsoft announced a new entry in the game series titled New Danganronpa V3: Minna no Koroshiai Shin Gakki (New Danganronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing). The new game will not take place at Hope's Peak Academy and will not feature any other returning characters. Spike Chunsoft is developing the game for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita and plans to release it in 2016.
Kazutaka Kodaka is in charge of the original scenario concepts and overall supervision. Rui Komatsuzaki is credited with the original character designs, and Seiji Kishi is directing. Norimitsu Kaihō (School-Live!, Gunslinger Stratos: The Animation) is in charge of the scenario on the project, and animation studio Lerche is returning to animate the project. Kazuaki Morita and Ryoko Amisaki are designing the anime's characters. The Danganronpa Design Team is credited with the original background designs. Masafumi Takada is composing the music, and Yoshinori Terasawa is the "Otasuke Producer."
Funimation streamed the Danganronpa The Animation television anime series, based on Spike Chunsoft's PlayStation Portable/PlayStation Vita game, as the anime aired in Japan in Summer 2013 and released the series on DVD and Blu-ray on November 11 with an English dub.
NIS America released the first and second Danganronpa games on PS Vita in North America and Europe last year under the names Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. It also released the spinoff game Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls.
[Via Hachima Kikō]