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Tribe Nine 3D RPG Streams 1st Game Trailer

posted on by Joanna Cayanan
Game now available for wishlist on Steam

Akatsuki and Too Kyo Games revealed the first game trailer for the Tribe Nine project's 3D action role-playing game, and the opening of the game's store page on Steam on Thursday.

Image courtesy of Akatsuki Games

Akatsuki and Too Kyo Games also announced the game's closed beta test scheduled in August, and opened a sign-up page for interested players on its website.

Image courtesy of Akatsuki Games

The game will launch for iOS, Android, and PC via Steam.

The project's anime premiered in January 2022 on Tokyo MX. Funimation co-produced the anime, streamed the anime as it aired, and also streamed an English dub.

Akatsuki and Too Kyo Games describe the project set in "20XX in the country of Neo Too Kyo," where young people form tribes after the collapse of society:

This title is set in a fictional location that is similar to the 23 Wards of Tokyo, with outlaw gangs of each ward battling for prestige via extreme baseball.

The project also features a WEBTOON.

Akatsuki and Too Kyo Games announced the project in February 2020 with several project team members from the Danganronpa franchise.

Source: Press release

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