One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga
Episode 13
by Grant Jones,
How would you rate episode 13 of
One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga ?
Community score: 4.6

Episode 13 of One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga lays the key foundations of the emotional threads for the entire arc.
Here we see perhaps the most consequential moment of this flashback in Fisher Tiger's sacrifice. The nature and revelations of his moving act to protect Koala are a big part of selling this arc's mood. The complex feelings he and his crew have towards humanity as a whole and Koala as an individual bring the nasty work of the World Government to the forefront. This entire system that the Fish Men are up against creates unwinnable and unenviable scenarios where there is no perfectly right answer for them. What does justice mean? What does it take to challenge injustice? Who can you hurt or not hurt in the path to freedom? Who is an acceptable casualty or a future foe, and who is truly innocent and deserving of protection?
These questions don't have easy answers. The World Government and the Celestial Dragons hold all the cards and could set things right, but they benefit from the status quo too much to do anything different. Furthermore, their inaction places the burden of just action on those impacted by their decisions, and forces people like Fisher Tiger into these scenarios where they cannot do what they feel is right without crossing another line they set for themselves. We also see how challenging it is for other members of Fish-Man society as they try to make change in other ways. Queen Otohime runs up against other hurdles, namely the difficulty of mass movements and people's honesty. That further complicates any hopes of Fish-Men finding peace in this world. Jinbei and Arlong are similarly at odds over the best path forward in the wake of Fisher Tiger's sacrifice, and once again the World Government benefits from their difficult choices.
While this flashback sequence isn't entirely over, this is one of the biggest moments and the anime team delivered it quite well.
One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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