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Goro Taniguchi, Polygon Pictures' Bloody Escape Anime Film Opens in January 2024

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins

The official website for the original anime film Bloody Escape -Jigoku no Tōsōgeki- revealed on Thursday that the film will debut in Japan in January 2024.

The film's announcement video teased a premise of "androids vs. vampires vs. yakuza." The film follows the android Kisaragi. He is being chased by an organization of immortal vampires who aim to conquer a divided Tokyo. The yakuza vow to avenge their murdered boss and enter the fight.

Gorō Taniguchi (Code Geass, One Piece Film Red) is directing and writing the movie at Polygon Pictures, and is credited with the original plan. Yūsuke Kozaki (Fire Emblem franchise, No More Heroes, Donyatsu) is designing the characters. Slow Curve is planning and producing the film, and GAGA is distributing.

Sources: Bloody Escape film's website, Comic Natalie

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