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Chu 2 (OAV)

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Alternative title:
Chu² (Japanese)
Wicked Trio
ちゅっ2 (Japanese)
ちゅっ² (Japanese)
Genres: erotica
Objectionable content: Pornography
Plot Summary: In the first tale, "Hurin", a man and young woman share a special relationship... she continually refers to this man as "Papa"... but is the passionate sex that they enjoy sinful. In "Pamera Panira", Hikaru is a man in a woman's body... he battles to save a beautiful deity named Pamera—but what motivations does he have when he treats her so harshly.
User Ratings: 27 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: -
 Excellent: -
 Very good: -
 Good: 1 vote (sub:1)
 Decent: 5 votes (sub:4, others:1
1 Spanish dubbed
 So-so: 10 votes (sub:9, ?:1)
 Not really good: 7 votes (sub:6, dub:1)
 Weak: 2 votes (sub:2)
 Bad: 1 vote (sub:1)
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: 1 vote (dub:1)
Seen in part or in whole by 56 users, rank: #6469 (of 9879)
Median rating: So-so
Arithmetic mean: 4.556 (So-so−), std. dev.: 1.3966, rank: #9547 (of 10018)
Weighted mean: 4.705 (So-so−), rank: #9492 (of 10018) (seen all: 4.71)
Bayesian estimate: 5.606 (Decent−), rank: #7106 (of 7559)
Running time: Half hour
Number of episodes: 1
Episode titles: We have 1
Vintage: 1997-10-25
Release dates: We have 1
Compiled by Central Park Media/Anime 18 with The Naughty Professor as Twisted Tales of Tokyo.
Episode 3 ("Operation-03") of the Secret Anima anthology. The single OAV is composed of three shorter stories.
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DVD (Region 0)
    Chu 2 - [AnimErotica] (DVD) 2006-12-12
DVD (Region 1)
    Chu 2 (DVD) 2004-10-26 (from $13.99)
    The Pianist / Momone / Chu2 / Dream Hazard (DVD) 2004-05-25
    Twisted Tales of Tokyo (DVD) 2003-02-11

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Director: Hiroshi Matsuda
Storyboard: Hiroshi Matsuda
Music: Shinobu
Original story: Protonsaurus
Character Design:
Jiroh Hirakata
Art Director: Mitsuharu Miyamae
Animation Director: Jiroh Hirakata
Sound Director: Yoshikazu Iwanami
Executive producer: Kikuo Saitoh
Producer: Hisaki Terasawa

Action Director: Kaoru Toyooka
Animation producer: Kenroh Sugisaku
Assistant producer: Kazutaka Satoh
Audio Producer: Akiko Nakamura
Music Director: Namiko Yamamoto
Sound Effects: Daisuke Jinbo
Supervision: Masamichi Kaneko
Japanese companies
Distributor: Happinet Pictures
Production: BEAM Entertainment
English staff
English companies
Licensed by:
Adult Source Media (2006)
NuTech Digital (Expired)
English cast
Spanish staff
Spanish cast
Executive producer: Luis de Val
Alberto Trifol as Papa (Spain dub; ep 1)
María Pilar Quesada as Hikaru (Spain dub; ep 2)

Miryam Guilimany as Private Tutor (Spain dub; ep 3)

Albert Trifol Segarra as Ma-kun (ep 3)
Núria Trifol as
Girl (ep 3)
Panira (ep 2)
Spanish companies
Arait Multimedia (Spain; TV)
Manga Films (Spain)

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