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MeruPuri - The Marchen Prince (manga)

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Alternative title:
Meru Puri - Il principe dei sogni (Italian)
Merupuri - Der Märchenprinz (German)
めるぷり メルヘン☆プリンス (Japanese)
魔法王子 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: Airi Hoshina, a regular highschool girl who wants nothing but the perfect future husband, family and life, has some pretty high ideals. But, those ideals flipped upside down as she comes across a young boy named Aram, who returns her small mirror, that has been passed on through Airi's family through generations. Airi soon finds that Aram is a prince that came through that very mirror from his world to seek refuge from his half-brother, Jeile, who has cast a horrible spell on him. Airi soon takes in Aram, and finds the next morning that Aram has turned from a child into a young man. Aram's servant, Lei, explains that the spell Jeile cast was supposed to turn Aram into an old man when he entered darkness (night, a dark closet, etc.) and deny him use of his magic. But the spell only half worked. Now, Airi must help Aram get back to his normal self, and try to keep up with finding that perfect man at the same time. But perhaps Airi is closer to that man than she thinks.
User Ratings: 248 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 58 votes (Eng:20, sub:18, dub:16, edit.dub:2, ?:1, others:1
1 German dubbed
 Excellent: 71 votes (Eng:42, sub:16, dub:12, raw:1)
 Very good: 39 votes (Eng:18, dub:12, sub:8, edit.dub:1)
 Good: 38 votes (Eng:19, sub:8, dub:6, raw:1, ?:1, others:3
1 Portuguese
1 Russian
1 Czech
 Decent: 24 votes (Eng:15, sub:7, dub:1, others:1
1 Portuguese
 So-so: 4 votes (Eng:2, sub:1, others:1
1 Portuguese dubbed
 Not really good: 2 votes (Eng:2)
 Weak: 9 votes (Eng:5, dub:3, sub:1)
 Bad: -
 Awful: 3 votes (Eng:3)
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 535 users, rank: #148 (of 6917)
Median rating: Very good
Arithmetic mean: 8.060 (Very good), std. dev.: 1.8795, rank: #783 (of 7759)
Weighted mean: 7.831 (Very good−), rank: #1759 (of 7759) (seen all: 8.07 / seen some: 6.59 / won't finish: 4.66)
Bayesian estimate: 7.829 (Very good−), rank: #782 (of 3524)
Number of tankoubon: 4
Number of pages: 200
2002-06-24 to 2004-07-24 (serialized in LaLa)
2005-07-05 to 2006-04-04 (North America)
Release dates: We have 12
Links: We have 3
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    MeruPuri (eBook 1) 2012-10-02 (from $6.99)
    MeruPuri (eBook 2) 2012-10-02 (from $6.49)
    MeruPuri (eBook 3) 2012-10-02 (from $6.49)
    MeruPuri (eBook 4) 2012-10-02 (from $6.49)
Graphic novel
    MeruPuri (GN 1) 2005-07-05 (from $1.96)
    MeruPuri (GN 2) 2005-10-04 (from $14.31)
    MeruPuri (GN 3) 2006-01-03 (from $2.12)
    MeruPuri (GN 4) 2006-04-04 (from $7.99)

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Story & Art: Matsuri Hino
Japanese companies
Publisher: Hakusensha
English staff
English cast
Translation: Priscilla Yim

Adaptation: Kelly Sue DeConnick
Design: Courtney Utt
Editor-in-Chief: Yumi Hoashi
Managing Editor: Megan Bates
Production Director: Noboru Watanabe
Publisher: Hyoe Narita
Sr. Director of Acquisitions: Rika Inouye
Touch-up Art & Lettering: Andy Ristaino
English companies
Licensed by: Viz Media
French staff
French companies
Publisher: Panini Comics
French cast
Italian cast
Italian staff
Translation: Simona Stanzani
Italian companies
Publisher: Planet Manga
German staff
German cast
Translation: Cäcilia Winkler
German companies
Publisher: Planet Manga
Portuguese staff
Portuguese cast
Translation: Drik Sada

Edition: Elza Keiko
Elza Keiko (Vol 2 +)
Julio Nogueira
Portuguese companies
Panini do Brasil (Brazilian) 
Planet Manga
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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