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Viz Media

Kanji name: ビズメディア
Foundation date: 1986-07-02
Mailing address: P.O. Box 77010
San Francisco, CA 94107-7010
News: Show:
Manga UK Updates (Jul 30, 2011)
New Viz manga licenses (Mar 13, 2007)
Death Note Site Online (Feb 15, 2007)
Viz Appoints New VP (Jan 25, 2007)
Claymore Anime (Nov 1, 2006)
Viz Talks About FMA Edits (Sep 20, 2006)
Reborn as Anime (Aug 3, 2006)
Train Man Unraveled (Jul 6, 2006)
Viz Media Manga Licenses (Jul 4, 2006)
June Manga Launches (May 17, 2006)
Hino Matsuri at Comic Con (May 17, 2006)
Viz Fall Releases (May 1, 2006)
Release Update (Apr 26, 2006)
2006 Eisner Nominations (Apr 5, 2006)
Booklist Update (Mar 23, 2006)
Viz August releases (Mar 10, 2006)
Weekly Booklist (Mar 9, 2006)
Bleach Licensed ? (Mar 9, 2006)
Viz Media Talks Comic-Con (Feb 10, 2006)
Diamond April Solicits (Jan 26, 2006)
Full Moon DVD Uncertain (Jan 13, 2006)
Liza Coppola Interview (Dec 8, 2005)
TRSI Does Subscriptions (Nov 30, 2005)
Viz Titles Follow Up (Nov 25, 2005)
New Viz Titles (Nov 25, 2005)
D.Gray-man Manga-ka Ill (Nov 7, 2005)
New SVP at Viz Media (Oct 27, 2005)
Ranma 1/2 OAV Set (Oct 27, 2005)
One Piece at Viz (Oct 27, 2005)
Black and White Anime (Oct 17, 2005)
Naruto Delayed on YTV (Aug 9, 2005)
Hot Gimmick Ends (Jun 14, 2005)
Viz November Releases (Jun 7, 2005)
Viz to Publish Novels (Jun 4, 2005)
Hikaru no Go Solicited (May 31, 2005)
Hikaru no Go Licensed? (May 31, 2005)
Viz Name Change Complete (Apr 5, 2005)
Viz Edits (Mar 30, 2005)
New Viz Manga (Mar 23, 2005)
New Manga Licenses (Feb 25, 2005)
Viz and ShoPro Merge (Jan 25, 2005)
MÄR Anime (Jan 11, 2005)
More new Viz Manga (Dec 15, 2004)
Viz Announces 4 New Manga (Dec 15, 2004)
New Viz Manga in 2005 (Nov 19, 2004)
Geneon - Toei Details (Nov 17, 2004)
Another Hikago Review? (Oct 31, 2004)
Viz Licenses Monster? (Sep 13, 2004)
Yu-Gi-Oh! / PETA Contest (Sep 1, 2004)
Bleach Anime (Aug 14, 2004)
More From Viz (Jul 26, 2004)
Anime Expo reports (Jul 5, 2004)
New ShoPro Acquisitions (Jun 12, 2004)
Anime at Target (Jan 19, 2004)
Viz Manga Update (Jan 1, 2004)
Saikano Release Details (Nov 20, 2003)
Battle Angel Alita Extras (Oct 20, 2003)
IY cut explained (Jul 23, 2003)
Ranma ½ Disc Recall (Jun 29, 2003)
Viz at AX HYD Fan Panel (Jun 24, 2003)
Otaku Unite! at AWA (May 15, 2003)
New License (May 10, 2003)
AnimeNEXT 2003 Details (Mar 18, 2003)
Otaku Unite! Premiere (Mar 17, 2003)
Maison Ikkoku on DVD (Mar 7, 2003)
Viz News (Feb 21, 2003)
Shonen Jump Profile (Feb 9, 2003)
New Distributor for Viz (Feb 9, 2003)
New Industry Interviews (Dec 13, 2002)
Shonen Jump Cover (Nov 8, 2002)
Viz Hiring Artists (Oct 25, 2002)
Anime and Everwood (Oct 7, 2002)
Shonen Jump Article (Oct 3, 2002)
Viz Interview: Part 2 (Aug 15, 2002)
Viz Interview (Aug 14, 2002)
Animenext Press Release (Aug 3, 2002)
Shounen Jump Contest (Aug 1, 2002)
AnimeFringe: August 2002 (Aug 1, 2002)
Hamtaro Scores (Aug 1, 2002)
Shounen Jump Exposed (Jul 30, 2002)
Otakon 2002: Viz Panel (Jul 29, 2002)
Viz Publishing more Sen (Jul 25, 2002)
Inu-Yasha Voices (Jul 13, 2002)
Official Viz Jump Website (Jul 13, 2002)
Anime Expo Updates (Jun 29, 2002)
Great Dangaioh Licensed (Jun 21, 2002)
US Shonen Jump Interview (Jun 13, 2002)
Shonen Jump Press Release (Jun 11, 2002)
Battle Angel returns! (Jun 11, 2002)
Shonen Jump To Invade US (Jun 10, 2002)
Acen Report Up. (Apr 23, 2002)
Viz Aquires Medabot Manga (Jan 21, 2002)
Top Manga Sales (Dec 3, 2001)
Love Hina release info (Nov 26, 2001)
Release Date Changes (Oct 31, 2001)
Inu Yashu Movie details (Oct 25, 2001)
ParaCon - 2001 (Oct 19, 2001)
Metreon Anime Festival (Oct 9, 2001)
New Viz Manga Series (Sep 20, 2001)
Otakon 2001 Report! (Aug 12, 2001)
X/1999 News (Jul 3, 2001)
Delays and Cancelations (Jun 28, 2001)
ADV Press Releases (Jun 5, 2001)
Uncensored DB update (May 16, 2001)
Ranma DVD releases (May 10, 2001)
Animerica Correction (Mar 5, 2001)
Viz Press Release (Feb 27, 2001)
Viz June Press Release (Feb 24, 2001)
April Manga Releases (Feb 1, 2001)
Japan wins World War 2? (Jan 24, 2001)
Viz PR for May '01 (Jan 21, 2001)
Viz Graphic Novels (Jan 11, 2001)
Anime Delays (Dec 27, 2000)
Viz April Releases (Dec 22, 2000)
More AKA-KON News (Dec 2, 2000)
Maison Ikoku Petition (Nov 18, 2000)
Releases from Viz (Nov 2, 2000)
Pokemon Comic Strip (Sep 9, 2000)
Viz in the News (Aug 29, 2000)
Petitions (Aug 25, 2000)
ADP 2038 Preview (Jun 28, 2000)
More info on Animethon 7 (Jun 22, 2000)
Inu Yashu TV Series (Jun 19, 2000)
Viz Donates $100 000 (Jun 17, 2000)
Viz Series Goes Brodcast (Mar 1, 2000)
Culture on the Edge (Feb 16, 2000)
Anime Costume Parade (Feb 15, 2000)
Viz Relaunches Websites (Nov 30, 1999)
Viz Manga/Book News (Nov 12, 1999)
News Briefs (Sep 20, 1999)
News Briefs (Sep 1, 1999)
AX '99 Wrap-up (Jul 18, 1999)
News Briefs (Jul 6, 1999)
US Anime News Briefs (May 21, 1999)
Otakon 98 Wrap-Up (Aug 15, 1998)
Press Releases: Show:
Viz Debuts Neon Alley (Oct 2, 2012)
Other articles: Show:
Be a Hokage for a Day! (Aug 12, 2015)
Hey, Answerman! - Gone-zo (Jun 21, 2013)
Neon Alley PS3 Give Away (Sep 29, 2012)
ANNCast - Jimkata (Jul 15, 2011)
Hey, Answerman! (Sep 17, 2010)
Hey, Answerman! (Jun 12, 2010)
Hey, Answerman! (Jun 5, 2010)
Hey, Answerman! (May 15, 2010)
Hey, Answerman! (Feb 19, 2010)
Hey, Answerman! (Dec 4, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Nov 6, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Sep 18, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Jul 31, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Jun 19, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (May 22, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (May 8, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Apr 3, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Mar 27, 2009)
Shelf Life - Magic 200 (Feb 2, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Jan 16, 2009)
Hey, Answerman! (Dec 12, 2008)
Shelf Life - Khan Job (Nov 3, 2008)
Hey, Answerman! (Oct 31, 2008)
Chicks on Anime (Aug 26, 2008)
Hey, Answerman! (Aug 22, 2008)
Shelf Life - Club Magic (Aug 4, 2008)
Hey, Answerman! (Apr 4, 2008)
Hey, Answerman! (Mar 14, 2008)
Buried Treasure - Eat-Man (Feb 28, 2008)
Hey Answerfans! (Feb 22, 2008)
Shelf Life - Cat Fight (Oct 22, 2007)
Buried Treasure - Touch (Oct 11, 2007)
Hey, Answerman! (Aug 3, 2007)
Hey, Answerman! (Apr 13, 2007)
Hey, Answerman! (Mar 16, 2007)
Hey, Answerman! (Feb 16, 2007)
Hey, Answerman! (Feb 2, 2007)
Hey, Answerman! (Jan 19, 2007)
Hey, Answerman! (Jan 5, 2007)
Hey, Answerman! (Oct 27, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Sep 22, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Sep 15, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Aug 18, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Aug 10, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Jun 9, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (May 18, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (May 5, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Mar 9, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Feb 17, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Feb 10, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Jan 13, 2006)
Hey, Answerman! (Dec 9, 2005)
Hey, Answerman! (Nov 18, 2005)
Hey, Answerman! (Oct 7, 2005)
Ms. Answerman: Sky High (Jul 29, 2005)
Ms. Answerman: The Grudge (Oct 25, 2004)
The Dub Track - Saikano (Jun 17, 2004)
Answerman: Pac-Mania (Jan 9, 2004)
Answerman: Black Friday (Nov 28, 2003)
KUROSUFAIYAH! (Oct 29, 2003)
2003 April Fools Jokes (Apr 1, 2003)
Ms. Answerman: Answertaro (Feb 14, 2003)
2002 – Manga in Review (Jan 14, 2003)
The Dub Track - Inu Yasha (Dec 23, 2002)
The Dub Track - Arjuna (Nov 24, 2002)
Answerman: NeoHippie (Jun 28, 2002)
Hamtaro and Me (Jun 9, 2002)
Contacting Viz (Apr 17, 2002)
Answerman - Change (Mar 19, 2002)
Answerman Returns (Feb 22, 2002)
Answerman: Hangover (Feb 6, 2002)
Answerman: Hasty (Oct 23, 2001)
Answerman: Itadakimasu! (Jun 20, 2001)
Answerman: Prize Package (Apr 9, 2001)
ANN 1998 Retrospective (Jan 13, 1999)
You can contribute information to this page, but first you must login or register

Anime which this company has licensed:
07-Ghost (manga) (2012)

1 World Manga (OEL manga manga)

2001 Nights (manga)

20th Century Boys (manga)

20th Century Boys (live-action movie)

21st Century Boys (manga)

7th Garden (manga)

A,A' (manga)

Abara (manga)

Absolute Boyfriend (manga)

Accel World (OAV)

Accel World (TV)

Accel World: Infinite Burst (movie)

act-age (manga)
AD Police (manga)

Adieu Galaxy Express 999 (movie)
(The) Adventures of Hamtaro (picture book)

(The) Adventures of Panda (manga)

(The) Adventures of Taro (manga)

After God (manga)

After Hours (manga)

Afterschool Charisma (manga)

Agravity Boys (manga)

Ai Ore! (manga)

Ai-Ore! Danshikō no Hime to Joshikō no Ōji (manga)

AiON (manga) (2015)

Aishiteruze Baby (manga)

Akane-banashi (manga)

Akira Toriyama's Manga Theater

Alice 19th (manga)

Alice in Borderland (manga)

Aliens Area (manga)

All My Darling Daughters (manga)

All You Need Is Kill (manga)

(The) All-New Tenchi Muyō! (manga)

Alley: Junji Ito Story Collection (manga)

Amalgam of Distortion (manga)

An Incurable Case of Love (manga)

Angel Sanctuary (manga)

Animal Crossing New Horizons: Deserted Island Diary (manga)


[Animerica Extra]

Anonymous Noise (manga)

Ao Haru Ride (manga)

Aoi Hana (manga)

Aqua Knight (manga)

Arata: The Legend (manga)

Area 88 (manga)

Asadora! (manga)

Ashen Victor (manga)

Assassination Classroom (manga)

Assassin’s Creed: Blade of Shao Jun (manga)

Astra Lost in Space (manga)

Astro Baby (manga)

Astro Royale (manga)

Ayakashi Triangle (manga)

Ayashimon (manga)

B.B Explosion (manga)

B.O.D.Y. (manga)

Baby & Me (manga)

Backstage Prince (manga)

Bakegyamon (manga)

Bakuman. (manga)

Bakune Young (manga)

Banana Fish (manga)

BAOH (manga)

Baron: The Cat Returns (manga)

Barrage (manga)

Basara (manga)

Bastard!! (manga)

Battle Angel Alita (manga) (Expired)

Battle Angel Alita: Last Order (manga) (2003-2011)

Battle Royale (novel)

Battle Royale: Angels' Border (manga)

Battle Royale: Enforcers (manga)

Be With You (manga)

Beast Children (manga)

Beast Complex (manga)

Beast Master (manga by K. Motomi)

BEASTARS (manga)

Beat & Motion (manga)

Beauty is the Beast (manga)

Beauty Pop (manga)

Beet the Vandel Buster (manga)

Behind the Scenes!! (manga) (Shojo Beat)

Benkei in New York (manga)

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King (movie)

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc II - The Battle for Doldrey (movie)

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc III - The Advent (movie)

Beyblade (manga)

Beyblade X (manga)

Beyond The Promised Neverland (manga)

(The) Big O (manga)

Bio-Booster Armor Guyver (manga)

Biomega (manga)

Black Bird (manga)

Black Cat (manga by K. Yabuki)

Black Clover (manga)

Black Jack (manga)

Black Lagoon (manga)

Black Paradox (manga)

Black Rose Alice (manga)

Black Torch (manga)

Blade of the Moon Princess (manga)

Blame! (movie)
(Spanish edition, home video rights for North America only)
Blank Slate (manga)

Bleach (manga)

Bleach (TV)

Bleach the Movie: Fade to Black (movie 3)

Bleach the Movie: Hell Verse (movie 4)
(Latin America)
Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody

Bleach: Can’t Fear Your Own World (novels)

Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion (movie 2)

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War (TV)

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Separation (TV 2)

Blood Lad (TV)

Blood: The Last Vampire 2002 (manga)

Bloody Mary (manga) (Shojo Beat)

Blue Box (manga)

Blue Dragon (TV)

Blue Exorcist (manga)

Blue Flag (manga)

Blue Spring (manga)

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (manga)

Bokurano: Ours (manga)

Bone Collection (manga)

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations (manga)

Boruto: Naruto Next Generations (TV)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Boruto: Naruto the Movie
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex (manga)

Boy's Abyss (manga)

Boys Over Flowers (manga)

Boys Over Flowers (TV)
Brave Story (novel) (Haikasoru)

Bug Ego (manga)

(The) Bugle Call: Song of War (manga)

Build King (manga)

Burn the Witch (manga)

Buso Renkin (manga)

Buso Renkin (TV)

Butterflies, Flowers (manga by Yoshihara)

Cactus's Secret (manga)

(The) Cain Saga (manga)

Call of the Night (manga)

Calling You (manga, S. Tsuzuki) (2015)

Came the Mirror & Other Tales (manga)

Candy Flurry (manga)

Captain Tsubasa (TV 2018)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Captain Tsubasa: Junior Youth Arc (TV)

Captive Hearts (manga)

Case Closed (manga)

Castle in the Sky (movie) (ani-manga)

Castlevania (U.S. ONA)

Castlevania: Nocturne (U.S. ONA)

Cat Eyed Boy (manga)

(The) Cat Returns (movie)

Cats of the Louvre (manga)

Ceres, Celestial Legend (TV)
Ceres: Celestial Legend (manga)

Chainsaw Man (manga)

Chainsaw Man: Buddy Stories (light novel)

Cheeky Angel (manga)
Chibi Vampire (manga by Y. Kagesaki) (2014)

Chicago (manga)

(The) Children Nowadays (manga)

Children of the Sea (manga)

Children of the Whales (manga)

Chinese Ghost Story (Chinese movie)

Chocolate Cosmos (manga)

ChocoMimi (manga)

Choujin X (manga)

Cinderalla (manga)

Cipher Academy (manga)

Clamp School Detectives (manga) (2015)

Claymore (manga)

(The) Climber (manga)

Colette Decides to Die (manga)

(The) Comiq (manga)

Coppelion (TV)

(La) Corda d'Oro (manga)

Corrector Yui (TV)
Cosmos (manga by Tamura)

Count Cain (manga)

Cowa! (manga)

Crazy Food Truck (manga)

Crescent Moon in the Warring States (manga)

Crimson Hero (manga)

Cross Epoch (manga)

Cross Game (manga)

Cross Manage (manga)

Crown of Love (manga)

Crown of Thorns (manga)

Crying Freeman (manga)
D.Gray-man (manga)

D.N.Angel (manga) (2014)

Dance Till Tomorrow (manga)

Dandadan (manga)

Dark Gathering (manga)

Dawn of the Arcana (manga)

Daytime Shooting Star (manga)

Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction (manga)

Deadman Wonderland (manga) (2013)

Deadpool: Samurai (manga)

Dear Anemone (manga)

Death Note (manga)

Death Note (live-action movie)
(expired) (expired)
Death Note (TV)

Death Note Relight - Visions of a God (special)

Death Note Relight 2 - L's Successors (special)

Death Note: Another Note - The Los Angeles BB Serial Murder Cases (light novel)

Death Note: The Last Name (live-action movie)
(expired) (expired)
Deko Boko Friends (TV)

Demon Love Spell (manga)

(The) Demon Prince of Momochi House (manga)

Demon Prince Poro's Diaries (manga)

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu Academy (manga)

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (manga)

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Stories of Water and Flame (manga)

Demon's Plan (manga)

Dengeki Daisy (manga)

Densha Otoko (live-action movie)

Descendants of Darkness (manga)

Deserter: Junji Ito Story Collection (manga)

Destroy All Humans. They Can't Be Regenerated. A Magic: The Gathering Manga

Detroit Metal City (manga)

Detroit Metal City (live-action movie)

A Devil and Her Love Song (manga)

Di Gi Charat (manga)

Dinosaur Hour (manga)

Dinosaur King (manga)

Disney Twisted-Wonderland The Comic: Episode of Heartslabyul (manga)

Disney Twisted-Wonderland The Comic: Episode of Savanaclaw (manga)

Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant (novel)

Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Manga - Book of Octavinelle

Disney Twisted-Wonderland: The Manga—Anthology

Do Retry (manga)

Dogs: Bullets & Carnage (manga)

Dogs: Prelude (manga)

Dogsred (manga)

Dolls (manga by Y. Kawahara)

Dorohedoro (manga)

Doron Dororon (manga)

Double Taisei (manga)

Doubt!! (manga by K. Izumi)

Downfall (manga)

Dr. Slump (manga)

Dr. Stone (manga)

Dr. Stone Reboot: Byakuya (manga)

Dragon Ball (manga)

Dragon Ball (TV)
(Chapter Books)
Dragon Ball Super (manga)

Dragon Ball: That Time I Got Reincarnated as Yamcha! (manga)

Dragon Drive (manga)

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai (manga)

#DRCL midnight children (manga)

(The) Drifting Classroom (manga)

Drip Drip (manga)

Eagle (manga)

(The) Earl & the Fairy (manga)

Earthchild (manga)

Eat-Man (manga)

Edge of Tomorrow (novel)

Editor Woman (manga)

El-Hazard (manga)

ēlDLIVE (manga)

(The) Elusive Samurai (manga)

Embers (manga)

(The) Emperor and I (manga)

Eureka Seven (manga) (2015)

Eureka Seven: Gravity Boys & Lifting Girl (manga) (2015)

Even A Monkey Can Draw Manga

Everyone's Getting Married (manga) (Shojo Beat)

Excel Saga (manga)

Eyeshield 21 (manga)

Fabricant 100 (manga)

Fairy Cube (manga)

Fall in love like a comic! (manga)

Fatal Fury 2: The New Battle (special)
Fatal Fury: Legend of the Hungry Wolf (special)
Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture
Fate/stay night (manga) (2014)

Fire Punch (manga)

Firefighter! Daigo of Fire Company M (manga)

Firefly Wedding (manga)

Fist of the North Star (manga) (License Expired)
(Hardcover, 2021)
Flame of Recca (manga)

Flame of Recca (TV)
Flower in a Storm (manga, S. Takagi)

Flowers & Bees (manga)

Fluffy, Fluffy Cinnamoroll (manga)

Fly Me to the Moon (manga)

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Sanji (manga)

Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma (manga)

Fool Night (manga)

Fragments of Horror (manga)

Frankenstein: Junji Ito Story Collection (manga)

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (manga)

From Far Away (manga)

Full Moon O Sagashite (manga)

Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)

Fullmetal Alchemist (light novel)

Fullmetal Alchemist (TV) (artbook)

Fullmetal Alchemist: The Complete Four-Panel Comics (manga)

Fushigi Yûgi (manga)

Fushigi Yūgi: Byakko Senki (manga)

Fushigi Yûgi: Genbu Kaiden (manga)

Future Diary (manga) (2014)

Gaba Kawa (manga)

Gakkyu Hotei: School Judgment (manga)

Galaxy Express 999 (manga 2/1996)

Galaxy Express 999 (movie)
Gangsta. (manga)

Gangsta: Cursed (manga)

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (TV)

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet - Far Beyond The Voyage (OAV) (United States and Canada)

Gedatsu Man (manga)

Genkaku Picasso (manga)

Genocidal Organ (novel) (Haikasoru)

Genocyber (manga)

Gente - Ristorante no Hitobito (manga)

(The) Gentlemen's Alliance Cross (manga)

Gestalt (manga)

Getter Robo Go (manga)

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (movie) (Ani-Manga)

Ghost Reaper Girl (manga)

Gimmick! (manga)

Gin Tama (manga)

Ginka & Glüna (manga)

Girl Crush (manga)

(The) Girl That Can't Get a Girlfriend (manga)

Girls Bravo (manga) (2015)

Glass Wings (manga) (2015)

Go! Go! Ackman (manga) (Akira Toriyama's Manga Theater)

Godchild (manga)

GoGo Monster (manga)

Gokurakugai (manga)

Golden Kamuy (manga)

Golem Hearts (manga)

Golgo 13 (manga)

Goodbye, Eri (manga)

Goodnight Punpun (manga)

Goth (novel) (2015)

Grand Guignol Orchestra (manga)

Grandpa Danger (TV)

Great Dangaioh (TV)
Green Green Greens (manga)

Grenadier (manga) (2015)

Grey (manga)

Grey: Digital Target (movie)

Guardian Hearts (manga) (2015)

Guardian of the Witch (manga)

Gun Blaze West (manga)

Gyo (manga)

Haikyu!! (manga)

Hakushon Daimaō 2020 (TV)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Hakutaku (manga)

Hamtaro (TV)

Hana-Kimi (manga)

Hanako and the Terror of Allegory (manga)

Hands Off! (manga) (2015)

Hansel and Gretel (manga)

Haou Airen (manga)

Happily Ever After (live-action movie)

Happy Happy Clover (manga)

Happy Hustle High (manga)

Happy Marriage!? (manga)

Hard-Boiled Cop and Dolphin (manga)

Harmony (novel) (Haikasoru)

Haruka: Beyond the Stream of Time (manga)

Hayate the Combat Butler (manga)

Heart Gear (manga)

Heartbroken Angels (manga)

Heartless Bitch (manga)

Heaven's Will (manga)

(The) Heiress and the Chauffeur (manga)

Helck (manga)

Helen Keller: From Darkness to Light (manga)

Hell Warden Higuma (manga)

Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku (manga)

Here is Greenwood (manga)

Hi-Fi Cluster (manga)

High School Debut (manga)

High School Family: Kokosei Kazoku (manga)

Hikaru no Go (manga)

Hikaru no Go (TV)

Hima-Ten! (manga)

Hirayasumi (manga)

Honey and Clover (manga)

Honey and Clover (live-action movie)

Honey and Clover (TV)
(Latin America) (Expired)
Honey and Clover II (TV)
Honey Blood (manga)

Honey Hunt (manga)

Honey So Sweet (manga, Amu Meguro) (Shojo Beat)

Horobi (manga)

Hoshin Engi (manga)

Hot Gimmick (manga)

Hotel Harbour View (manga)

House of Five Leaves (manga)

How Do We Relationship? (manga)

Howl's Moving Castle (movie) (film comics)

Hungry Marie (manga) (Jump Start)

Hunter X Hunter (TV 1999)
Hunter × Hunter (manga)

Hunter × Hunter (TV 2011) (North America)
Hunter × Hunter -The Last Mission- (movie)
Hunter × Hunter: Phantom Rouge (movie)
(The) Hunters Guild: Red Hood (manga)

Hyde & Closer (manga)

i tell c (manga)

I Wanna Do Bad Things with You (manga)

I Want to End This Love Game (manga)

I Won't Let You Be a Star! (manga)

I''s (manga)

I''s (OAV)

I''s Pure (OAV)

I'll Give It My All... Tomorrow (manga)

I'm From Japan (manga)

I.O.N (manga)

Ice-Head Gill (manga)

Ichi the Witch (manga)

Ichigo 100% (TV) (Latin America)

Ichigoki's Under Control!! (manga)

(The) Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins (manga)

Idol Dreams (manga)

Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit (manga)

Ima Koi: Now I'm in Love (manga)

Imadoki! Nowadays (manga)

In the Name of the Mermaid Princess (manga)

Infini-T Force (TV)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Infini-T Force the Movie Farewell, Friend

Insomniacs After School (manga)

Inu Yasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (ani manga)

Inubaka (manga)

Inuyasha (manga)

Inuyasha (ani manga)

Inuyasha (TV)

InuYasha the Movie 2: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass

InuYasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler

InuYasha the Movie 4: Fire on the Mystic Island

InuYasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time

InuYasha: The Final Act (TV)

InuYasha: The Tragic Love Song of Destiny (special)

Itachi Shinden (TV)

Itaitashii Love (manga)

Itsuwaribito (manga)

Jaco the Galactic Patrolman (manga)

Jiangshi X (manga)

Jin-Roh - The Wolf Brigade (movie)
Jiu Jiu (manga)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (manga)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (TV)
(US and Canada; Blu-ray) (Brazil)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable (live-action movie)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable (TV)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind (TV)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Shining Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak (manga)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders (TV)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Battle in Egypt Arc (TV)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean (TV)

Jormungand (manga)

Jr (manga)

Jujutsu Kaisen (manga)

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (manga)

Juni Taisen: Zodiac War (light novel)

Juni Taisen: Zodiac War (manga)

Junko Mizuno's Princess Mermaid (manga)

Justy (manga) (formerly)

K (TV)

K: Missing Kings (movie)

K: Return of Kings (TV)
(Latin America) 
K: Seven Stories (movies)

K: Seven Stories - The Idol K (movie)

Kagurabachi (manga)

Kaguya-sama: Love is War (manga)

Kai-hen Wizards (manga)

Kaiju No. 8 (manga)

Kaiju No. 8: B-Side (manga)

Kaiju No. 8: Exclusive on the Third Division (light novel)

Kaiju No. 8: Relax (manga)

Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits (manga, Waco Ioka)

Kamikaze Girls (manga)

Kamikaze Girls (live-action movie)
Kamisama Kiss (manga)

Kamudo (manga)

Kannazuki no Miko: Destiny of Shrine Maiden (manga) (2016)

Kare First Love (manga)

Kaze Hikaru (manga Taeko Watanabe)

Kekkaishi (manga)

Kekkaishi (TV)
Kenka Bancho Otome: Love's Battle Royale (manga)

Key the Metal Idol (OAV)
Kiki's Delivery Service (movie) (artbook)

Kill Blue (manga)

Kimi ni Todoke - From Me to You (manga)

Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You: Soulmate (manga)

Kimi wo Shinryakuseyo! (manga) (Jump Start)

(The) King's Beast (manga)

Kingdom (manga)

Kingyo Used Books (manga)

Kirby (manga)

Kirby Manga Mania

Kiss of the Rose Princess (manga)

Knights of the Zodiac (manga)

Komi Can't Communicate (manga)

Komomo Confiserie (manga)

Kono Setsugen de Kimi ga Waratte Irareru yō ni (manga)

Koyoharu Gotouge Before Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (manga)

Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible (manga)

Kurohime (manga)

Kuroko's Basketball (manga)

Kurozakuro (manga)

Kyo Kara Maoh! (manga) (2014)

Kyokuto Necromance (manga)

L change the WorLd (live-action movie)

Lagoon Engine (manga) (2014)

Lagrange - The Flower of Rin-ne (TV)

Lagrange - The Flower of Rin-ne (TV 2)

Land of Monsters (manga)

Last Quarter (manga)

(The) Last Saiyuki (manga)

(The) Last: Naruto The Movie
(Brazil) (Latin America)
(The) Law of Ueki (manga)

LBX - Little Battlers eXperience (manga)

Leave it to PET! (manga)

(The) Legend of Kamui (manga)

Legend of the Galactic Heroes (novels) (Haikasoru)

(The) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (manga Akira Himekawa)

(The) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (manga, S. Ishinomori) (2015)

(The) Legend of Zelda: Four Swords (manga)

(The) Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (manga)

(The) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (manga)

(The) Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (manga)

(The) Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (manga)

(The) Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (manga)

(The) Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (manga)

(The) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (manga)

Legendz (manga)

Let's Do It Already! (manga)

Levius (manga)

Library Wars: Love & War (manga)

(The) Life of Momongo (manga)

Like a Butterfly (manga)

(The) Liminal Zone (manga)

Look Back (manga)

Looking for the Full Moon (TV)
Love Me, Love Me Not (manga)

Love Rush! (manga)

Love Song (manga)

Love's in Sight! (manga)

Love*Com (manga)

Love*Com the Movie (live-action movie)
Loveless (manga) (2011)

Lovesickness: Junji Ito Story Collection (manga)

Lucky Star (manga by K Yoshimizu) (2014)

Lycanthrope Leo (manga)

Macross II (manga)

Macross II: The Micron Conspiracy (U.S. manga)

Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (manga)

(The) Magic Touch (manga)

Magical Girl Dandelion (manga)

Magical Pokémon Journey (manga)

Magilumiere Co. Ltd. (manga)

Magu-chan: God of Destruction (manga)

Mai the Psychic Girl (manga)

Maid to Skate (manga)

Maid-sama! (manga)

Maison Ikkoku (manga)

Maison Ikkoku (TV)
Make Up! Sailor Guardians (movie)

MamaYuyu (manga)

Man of Many Faces (manga)

Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga (resource book)

MAO (manga)

Maoh: Juvenile Remix (manga)

MÄR (manga)

(Latin America) (eps 1-52; Expired)
March Story (manga)

Mardock Scramble (novel) (Haikasoru)

Marionette Generation (manga)


(The) Marshal King (manga)

Martial Master Asumi (manga)

Mashle: Magic and Muscles (manga)

Master Keaton (manga)

Mazinger Z: Infinity (movie)

Me & Roboco (manga)

Medabots (manga)

Megalobox (TV)

MegaMan NT Warrior (manga)

Megaman Star Force (TV)
(Latin America) (Expired)
Mermaid Saga (manga)

Mermaid Scales and the Town of Sand (manga)

Mermaid's Gaze (manga)

Mermaid's Scar (manga)

Mermaid's Scar (OAV)
MeruPuri - The Marchen Prince (manga)

Message to Adolf (manga)

Metal Guardian Faust (manga)

Metamo Kiss (manga) (2015)

Meteor Prince (manga)

Midnight Secretary (manga)

Midori's Days (manga)

Mikansei No. 1 (manga)

Millennium Snow (manga)

Million Tears (manga) (2014)

Mimi’s Tales of Terror (manga)

Minecraft: The Manga

Mission: Yozakura Family (manga)

Mistress Fortune (manga)

Mitama Security: Spirit Busters (manga)

Mixed Vegetables (manga)

Miyuki-chan in Wonderland (manga) (2014)

Moan: Junji Ito Story Collection (manga)

Mobile Police Patlabor (manga)

Mobile Suit Gundam (TV) (novel, 1990)

Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 (manga)

Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory (OAV) (Film Comic)

Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt (manga)

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Blind Target (manga)

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Episode Zero (manga)

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Ground Zero (manga)

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin (manga) (2002-4)

Monkey High! (manga)

Monster (manga)

Monster (TV)
(Latin America) (Expired) (expired)
Monster Hunter: Flash Hunter (manga)

Monsters: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation (manga)

Moriarty the Patriot (manga)

Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit (TV)
(2014) (Expired)
Moriking (manga)

Mouryou Kiden: Legend of the Nymph (manga) (2014)

Mr. Osomatsu (TV) (North America)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Mr. Osomatsu (TV 2)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation (manga)

Mujina Into the Deep (manga)

Mujirushi: The Sign of Dreams (manga)

Mutant Hanako (manga)

My Hero Academia (manga)

My Hero Academia (TV 2) (Portugal)

My Hero Academia Smash!! (manga)

My Hero Academia: School Briefs (light novel)

My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions (manga)

My Hero Academia: Vigilantes (manga)

My Love Mix-Up! (manga)

My Love Story!! (manga)

My Name Is Shingo (manga)

My Neighbor Totoro (movie) (artbook)

My Special One (manga)

NANA (manga)

NANA (live-action movie)
(2007; Expired)
NANA 2 (live-action movie)
Naruto (manga)

Naruto Shippūden (movie)
Naruto Shippūden (TV)

Naruto Shippūden the Movie: Bonds (North America)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Naruto Shippūden: Blood Prison (movie)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Naruto Shippūden: The Lost Tower (movie)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Naruto Shippūden: The Will of Fire (movie)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Naruto Special: Battle at Hidden Falls. I Am the Hero! (OAV)

Naruto Spin-Off: Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals (TV) (Latin America)

Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom (movie 3)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel (movie 2)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow
(Brazil) (Latin America)
Naruto: Akatsuki Hiden - Sakimidareru Aku no Hana (novel)

Naruto: Chibi Sasuke's Sharingan Legend (manga)

Naruto: Itachi's Story (novels)

Naruto: Kakashi's Story (novel)

Naruto: Konoha Sports Festival (movie)

Naruto: Konoha's Story--The Steam Ninja Scrolls (manga)

Naruto: Sakura's Story (novel)

Naruto: Sasuke's Story (novel)

Naruto: Sasuke's Story--The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust (novel)

Naruto: Sasuke's Story--The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust (manga)

Naruto: Shikamaru's Story (novel)

Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring (manga)

Natsume's Book of Friends (manga)

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (manga)

ne0;lation (manga)

Neighborhood Story (manga)

Neon Genesis Evangelion (manga)

Neru: Way of the Martial Artist (manga)

Neuro - Supernatural Detective (TV)

Night Warriors - Darkstalkers' Revenge (OAV)
Nightmare Inspector: Yumekui Kenbun (manga)

Nine Dragons' Ball Parade (manga)

Nisekoi - False Love (manga)

No Guns Life (manga)

No Longer Human (manga by Junji Ito)

No Need for Tenchi! (manga)

No. 5 (manga)
(dropped in 2003 - 2 vols; 2021)
NORA: The Last Chronicle of Devildom (manga)

Not Simple (manga)

Not Your Idol (manga)

Nue's Exorcist (manga)

Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan (manga)

Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan (TV)

Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan: Demon Capital (TV)

O-Parts Hunter (manga)

Ogre Slayer (manga)

Ogre Slayer (OAV)

Oishinbo (manga)

Ole Golazo (manga)

(The) One I Love (manga) (2015)

One Piece (manga)

One Piece novel HEROINES (light novel)

One Piece: Ace's Story (novel)

One Piece: Ace's Story–The Manga

One Piece: Law’s Story (manga light novel)

One Pound Gospel (OAV)
One Punch Man (OAV)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
One Punch Man (OAV 2)

One Punch Man (TV)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
One Punch Man (TV 2)
(Latin America) (Brazil)
One-Pound Gospel (manga)

One-Punch Man (manga)

Ōoku: The Inner Chambers (manga)

Oresama Teacher (manga)

Orochi (manga)

Otaku Vampire's Love Bite (manga)

Otomen (manga)

Our Blood Oath (manga)

Ouran High School Host Club (manga)

Palepoli (manga)

Persona 5 (manga)

Phantom Busters (manga)

Phantom Seer (manga)

Phantom Thief Jeanne (manga) (2013)

Phoenix (manga)

Pikachu's Rescue Adventure (movie) (ani-manga)

Pikachu's Summer Vacation (movie) (ani-manga)

Pineapple Army (manga)

Ping Pong (manga)

Ping Pong (live-action movie)

Pink Candy Kiss (manga)

Pixy Junket (manga)

Platinum End (manga)

Please Save My Earth (manga)

Please Save My Earth (OAV)

Pluto (manga)

Pocket Monsters Film Comic (ani manga)

Pokémon (manga)

Pokémon Adventures (manga)

Pokémon Black & White Pocket Comics (manga)

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! (manga)

Pokémon Gold & Silver (manga)

Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea (manga)

Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea (movie 9)

Pokémon Sun & Moon (TV)

Pokémon the Movie: Black - Victini and Reshiram (movie 14)

Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction (manga)

Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction (movie 17)

Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened (manga)

Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened (movie 16)

Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages (movie 18)

Pokémon the Movie: Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice (manga)

Pokémon the Movie: Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice (movie 15)

Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel (movie 19)

Pokémon the Movie: White - Victini and Zekrom (manga)

Pokémon the Movie: White - Victini and Zekrom (movie 14)

Pokémon XY (manga)

Pokémon XY (TV)

Pokémon XY & Z (TV)

Pokémon Zoroark: Master of Illusions (movie 13)

Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life (manga)

Pokémon: Black and White (manga)

Pokémon: Black and White (TV)

Pokémon: Black and White: Rival Destinies (TV)

Pokémon: Giratina & The Sky Warrior (movie 11)

Pokémon: Giratina & The Sky Warrior! (manga)

Pokémon: Mystery Dungeon - Ginji's Rescue Team (manga)

Pokémon: The First Movie (movie 1) (2021)

Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions (manga)

Portus (manga)

PPPPPP (manga)

Pretty Face (manga)

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal (ONA 2014)

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal (ONA 2015)

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal: Season III (TV 2016)

Prince Freya (manga)

(The) Prince of Tennis (manga)

(The) Prince of Tennis (TV)

Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva (movie)
(Spain) (Expired)
Project ARMS (manga)

Project ARMS (TV)
Project ARMS: The 2nd Chapter (TV)
(The) Promised Neverland (manga)

Protect Me, Shugomaru! (manga)

Psych House (manga)

Psyren (manga)


Punch! (manga)

Punctures (manga)

QQ Sweeper (manga) (Shojo Beat)

Queen's Quality (manga) (Shojo Beat)

(La) Quinta Camera - 5 Banme no Heya (manga)

RahXephon (manga)

Rainbow Days (manga, Minami Mizuno)

Rainbows After Storms (manga)

Ral Ω Grad (manga)

Ran And The Gray World (manga)

Ranma ½ OAV

Ranma ½ (manga)

Ranma ½ (TV 1/1989)
(Latin America) 
Ranma ½: Big Trouble in Nekonron, China (movie)

Ranma ½: Nihao My Concubine (movie)

Rasetsu (manga)

Ratman (manga) (2015)

Read or Die (manga)

Read or Dream (manga)

REAL (manga)

Reborn! (manga)

(The) Record of a Fallen Vampire (manga)

Record of Grancrest War (manga)

Record of Ragnarok (manga)

Record of Ragnarok (TV)

Red Hot Chili Samurai (manga) (2015)

Red River (manga)

Red Sprite (manga)

Remina (manga)

Requiem of the Rose King (manga)

Resident Evil: The Marhawa Desire (manga)

Revolutionary Girl Utena (manga)

Revolutionary Girl Utena: After the Revolution (manga)

Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Adolescence of Utena (manga)

RIN-NE (manga)

Riot (manga)

Ristorante Paradiso (manga)

Rizelmine (manga) (2015)

Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie
(Latin America) (Brazil)
Robot × Laserbeam (manga)

Rocket Girls (light novel) (Haikasoru)

Romantic Killer (manga)

Rooster Fighter (manga)

Rosario + Vampire (manga)

Rosario + Vampire Season II (manga)

Rosen Blood (manga)

Rumic Theater (manga)

RuriDragon (manga)

Rurouni Kenshin (manga)

Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration (manga)

Rurouni Kenshin: The Hokkaido Arc (manga) (2017-2018)

Rurouni Kenshin: Voyage to the Moon World (light novel)

RWBY (manga)

RWBY: Official Manga Anthology

RWBY: The Official Manga

S.A (manga)

Saber Marionette J (manga) (2015)

Saber Tiger (manga)

Saikano (manga)

SaiKano: Another Love Song (OAV)
Sailor Moon (TV)
(2014) (United States and Canada)
Sailor Moon R (TV) (current)
(2014) (United States and Canada)
Sailor Moon R: The Movie (current)
Sailor Moon S (TV) (current)
(2014) (United States and Canada)
Sailor Moon S: The Movie (current)
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (TV)
(United States and Canada)
Sailor Moon SuperS (special)

Sailor Moon SuperS (TV) (current)
(2014) (United States and Canada)
Sailor Moon SuperS Plus - Ami's First Love (special)

Sailor Moon SuperS: The Movie (current)
Sakamoto Days (manga)

Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura (manga)

Sakura, Saku! (manga)

Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru (manga)

Samurai Crusader (manga)

Samurai Shodown (manga, Yuki Miyoshi)

Sanctuary (manga by R. Ikegami)

Sanctuary (live-action movie)

Sanctuary (OAV)

Sand Chronicles (manga)

Sand Land (manga)

Saturn Apartments (manga)

Secret Reverse (manga)

Seiho Boys' High School! (manga)

Sensor (manga)

Sensual Phrase (manga)

Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign (manga)

Sexy Voice and Robo (manga)

Sgt. Frog (manga)

Shadow Eliminators (manga)

Shakugan no Shana (manga)

Shakugan no Shana (light novel)

Shaman King (manga)
She, The Ultimate Weapon (TV)
Shiba Inu Rooms (manga)

Shin Samurai-den YAIBA (TV)

Shinobi Undercover (manga)

Shion: Blade of the Minstrel (manga)

Shiver (manga)

[Shojo Beat]

Shojo Null (manga)

[Shonen Jump USA]

Short Cuts (manga)

Short Program (manga)

Short Program 2 (manga)

Short-Tempered Melancholic (manga)

Shortcake Cake (manga) (Shojo Beat)

Show-ha Shoten! (manga)

Shuriken and Pleats (manga) (Shojo Beat)

Silent Möbius (manga)

Skip Beat! (manga)

Slam Dunk (manga)
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle (manga)

Smashed: Junji Ito Story Collection (manga)

Sneeze: Naoki Urasawa Story Collection (manga)

Snow White with the Red Hair (manga)

Snowball Earth (manga)

So Cute It Hurts!! (manga)

Socrates in Love (manga)

Soichi: Junji Ito Story Collection (manga)

Solanin (manga)

Soldier of Savings Cashman (manga) (Akira Toriyama's Manga Theater)

Someday's Dreamers (manga) (2015)