Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (Sub.VHS)

Volume: Sub.VHS
Running time: 90
Distributor: Tokyo Shock
Release date: 1999-07-27
Age rating: NR
SKU: TSVD-9977
UPC: 631599977369
ISBN-10: 1890228648
ISBN-13: 9781890228644
In the not-so-distant future, overburdened national budgets have forced the privatization of most government institutions. Even prisons have become franchised, commercial ventures...
When mild-mannered Ricky takes revenge on the drug-bashing thugs who killed his girlfriend, he is sentenced to an ultra maximum-security prison. Within the prison walls lies a penitentiary like no other, run by a host of evil characters, including a sadistic warden, his assistant, and The Gang of Four, a group of powerful fighters who control their fellow inmates through terror and ultimately, death!
But when he witnesses the brutality first hand, Ricky takes matters into his own hands, ferociously bustin through (literally!) cruel prison guards and bullying inmates. It's only a matter of time before Ricky is granted saint-like status among the humble inmates. Fearing an uprising, the wicked warden sends his thugs to finish our hero once and for all!
The vengeful Ricky brutally disembowels, demolishes, devastates and destroys his opponents from start to finish without mercy, ending in one of the bloodiest battles ever committed to celluloid!
(added on 2022-09-23, modified on 2022-09-23)
- Encyclopedia information about Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (live-action movie)