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Funimation Reveals Dub Casts for Show By Rock!! 2, Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru, Trickster

posted on by Jennifer Sherman
Funimation premieres English-dubbed anime on Thursday

Funimation revealed the English dub casts for its broadcast dubs of the Show By Rock!!#, Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru, and Trickster anime on Wednesday.

The cast of the second season of Show By Rock!!# includes:

The dub for the second sesason of Show By Rock!!# will premiere on Thursday, November 3 at 9:00 p.m. EDT. Funimation is already streaming the first season and the Show By Rock!! Short!! spinoff anime.

Takahiro Ikezoe is returning from the original Show by Rock!! series to direct the anime at BONES. Touko Machida, who wrote the scripts for the first eight episodes of the original anime, is handling the series composition. The main cast members — including the characters from the Plasmagica, Shingan Crimsonz, Tsurezure Naru Ayatsuri Mugenan, Trichronika, and Criticrista bands — are returning from the first season. Yūji Ueda is also returning to play Mable Arisugawa. Plasmagica is performing the opening theme song "Heart wo ROCK!!" and the ending theme song "My Song is YOU!!".

The cast of Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru, under ADR Director Jad Saxton, script writer Clint Bickham, ADR engineer James Baker, and mix engineer Neal Malley, includes:

The dub for Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru will premiere on Thursday, November 3 at 9:30 p.m. EDT.

Takashi Naoya (Luck & Logic co-director, Selector Infected Wixoss animation director) is directing the series at Dōga Kōbō. Junichirō Taniguchi (Natsuyuki Rendezvous, Prison School) is designing the characters, and Pierre Sugiura (Barakamon) is writing and overseeing the scripts. Kenji Kawai (Ghost in the Shell, Eden of the East, Ranma ½) is composing the music. Mitsuhiro Ichiki and Toshiki Masuda perform the opening theme song "Hanamaru◎Hiyori!" (Hanamaru Weather). The anime has a different ending theme song for each episode, performed by the show's cast.

The cast of Trickster, under ADR Director Mike McFarland, ADR engineer Manuel Aragon, and ADR script writer Josh Grelle, includes:

The dub for Trickster will premiere on Thursday, November 3 at 10:00 p.m. EDT.

Masahiro Mukai (Hyperdimension Neptunia, episode director in Terror in Resonance, Blood Blockade Battlefront) is directing the anime at TMS Entertainment and Shinei Animation. Erika Yoshida (Tiger & Bunny: The Comic) is supervising and writing the series' scripts. Peach-Pit (Di Gi Charat, Rozen Maiden, Shugo Chara!) is drawing the original character designs, and Shinya Yamada (key animation in Attack on Titan, Your Lie in April, Samurai Champloo) is adapting those character designs for animation. Yuuki Hayashi (Death Parade, My Hero Academia, Kiznaiver) is composing the music. Gackt is performing the opening theme song "Kimi Dake no Boku de Iru" (Since There's Just You in Me), while also voicing the Fiend With Twenty Faces in the anime, while Azusa Tadokoro is performing the anime's ending theme song "1Hope Sniper."

The anime are part of Funimation and Crunchyroll's partnership to share streaming content. Some anime licensed by Funimation are streaming on Crunchyroll, while Funimation is dubbing and handling home video distribution for Crunchyroll shows.

Update: Staff information for Trickster corrected. Thanks, Divineking.

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