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Final Fantasy XIV Game's Patch 5.1 Video Previews NieR: Automata Collaboration

posted on by Crystalyn Hodgkins
New patch releases on October 29

The official YouTube channel for the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn MMORPG began streaming a trailer on Friday that previews the game's Patch 5.1.

English Version

Japanese Version

The patch will launch on October 29. The patch will include a "YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse" alliance raid, which is a collaboration with the NieR:Automata game featuring guest creators Yōsuke Saitō and Yokō Tarō. The patch will also include new main scenario quests, a New Game+ option, a new dungeon, a new extreme trial, and other updates.

Square Enix released Final Fantasy XIV Online for personal computers in September 2010. After criticism from fans, the company revealed an updated version of the game titled Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn that added a new world and story. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn launched on Windows PC and PS3 in August 2013, and then on PS4 in April 2014. The game's companion app for iOS and Android launched in August.

Square Enix released the first expansion for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, titled Heavensward, in June 2015. The second expansion, Stormblood, launched in June 2017. The third expansion, Shadowbringers, launched on July 2. The game has surpassed 16 million registered users worldwide.

The Final Fantasy XIV Dad of Light live-action television miniseries debuted on Netflix in the United States in September 2017. The original source material also inspired a live-action film remake with a new cast that opened on June 21. The game is also inspiring a live-action series at Sony Pictures Television and Hivemind.

Source: Final Fantasy XIV's YouTube channel

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