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Acro Trip
Episode 11

by James Beckett,

How would you rate episode 11 of
Acro Trip ?
Community score: 3.9


“Sudden Stranger” is a surprisingly solid episode of Acro Trip after a few weeks of more middle-of-the-road material. The stories are a bit more focused, the jokes are a bit more consistent, and the world-building is a bit more engaging. Most importantly, Chizuko gets to spend some quality alone time with Berry Blossom under her “General Dante” alias. Our poor anti-heroine has had a hell of a time putting up with all of the Fossa Magna shenanigans lately, and she deserves the opportunity to take her relationship with B.B. to the next level, darn it!

Granted, this is Acro Trip, so Chizuko and Berry's “next level” means that General Dante must further commit herself to a lifetime dedicated to evil mischief and chicanery. Then again, this is Acro Trip, which means that the Fossa Magna definition of “mischief and chicanery” means - gasp - enjoying Berry Blossom's snacks and beverages under false pretenses (but still offering her a cute little evil poncho to keep dry in the rain). Either way, I'm on Chizuko's side; if more of these nefarious schemes from General Dante gives us adorable scenes like this, then sign me up to be the next Kuma Kaijin and join the frontlines on the war for darkness.

After that cuteness overload, we get reintroduced to Baryu Omizo, the CEO of Omizo Technica, aka the secret leader of Fossa Manga, when he drops out of the sky and screws up his parachute landing. This is another funny sequence that sees Chizuko on another cute date with Berry Blossom, though I have to question how eager these girls are to accept treats from an obviously deranged stranger. We also get some fun little world-building and lore bits, like the confirmation that the gang's Evil Transformations prevent them from being recognized while out and about incognito…though I'm still convinced that Berry is also just really, really stupid.

The final part of the story sees Chrome and Chizuko taking on Berry in a Round 2 battle broadcasting live on TV. We get more Kuma Kaijin gags, more jokes about Chrome being embarrassingly inept at everything he does, and more time for Chizuko to show off her fancy, evil duds. There's even a teensy bit of actual drama injected into things because of how Mashirou disappeared after Baryu showed up. It's the most like a real TV show that Acro Trip has felt in…well, maybe ever! Don't get me wrong, this is still the scrappy, weird, barely-held-together-with-duct-tape-and-prayers production it's always been. It's just nice to see the show step up its game in some way this close to the end of the season.


Acro Trip is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

James is a writer with many thoughts and feelings about anime and other pop-culture, which can also be found on Twitter, his blog, and his podcast.

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