One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga
Episode 12
by Grant Jones,
How would you rate episode 12 of
One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga ?
Community score: 4.4

The 12th episode of One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga takes us back in time to better understand the sins of the present.
Jinbe continues to explain his backstory via flashback, which means it's time to emotionally prepare yourselves for devastation. Yes folks, as is One Piece tradition whenever we learn about someone's backstory or the legends that shaped an island, we inevitably run into multiple tugs at the old heartstrings. Jinbe is relating how he and Fisher Tiger came to know one another in the Fish-Men district, how they went their separate ways once they grew up, and how they eventually joined together in piracy.
There's not a whole lot to comment on for the events at current. This is just part of the greater story, as One Piece flashbacks tend to be lengthy. So even though most of us (I assume) already know how these events will pan out, at the moment we only have portions of the puzzle. That said, it's one more entry in a long-running commentary on the nature of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons. Essentially, the inequality and racism towards the Fish-Men are not only happening but are core to how the World Government functions. It enjoys and exploits the unequal treatment to benefit some and divide everyone else. This constant strife creates conflicts in society between various groups, including among the Fish-Men themselves. The tension between questions like “How do we fight back?” and “How far do we go for freedom?” makes it harder to oppose the World Government's excesses.
This episode also introduces the little baby Koala! Her arrival is equal parts hilarious and depressing. She's a traumatized child going through even more hardships, so I hate that for her. But the dopey little face she makes while shouldering life's constant barrage of despair is infectious and hilarious.
One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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