The Click
February 17th - February 23rd
by Brian Hanson,

Good appropriate-time-of-day, The Click, fans, readers, and general well-wishers! Once again it's time for me to be lured so stealthily out of my dank, desert hovel with the promise of free beer and chips to write about anime on TV! Studies have shown, through science, that using The Click to determine where and when your favorite shows crop up on TV drastically reduces confusion, frustration, and other petty irritants! However, cases of severe, often fatal food poisoning and violent, prolonged vomiting severely rises. Which might have a bit more to do with an ill-advised The Click introduction sometime last year when I advised readers to "bathe in a tub filled with raw chickens and expired sour cream" than animated TV programs.
Now, when I start writing this column sometime early in the week, I typically make a few short notes here and there regarding things I think might be interesting to discuss. I believe last week I mentioned how Cartoon Network's "Upfront" presentations were "around the corner," and that they promised "new shows" and the like. This proved to be very much not true. The closest thing relating to a new anime acquisition was their intention to air a "premiere Naruto movie," though no one's certain if they're referring to a real movie movie, or one of the short OVA episodes. So, I had to literally wing it this week, and the results... well, I'll just copy-and-paste what I jotted down verbatim:
"mention some belated valentine's day bull**** or something; bobobo returns! maybe i stop crying now! also, do some kind of theme, like: analogize each new show to a piece of fruit! something dumb like that."
"Analogize" each new show to a piece of fruit? I can honestly not think of anything wrong with that idea. At all. Welcome to The Click: Fruit Edition!

Bobobo-bo Bo-BoBo
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday February 17 8:30pm - Episode 51 "The Art of Art and the Fist of All Fists"
A bit of warning: for those that haven't heard, the recently-released Bobobo-bo Bo-BoBo DVD, to put it bluntly, sucks. As commendable a goal as it is to put the wonderful Bo on disc, completely uncut, there's no excusing the amateurish design and ugly video quality. And the subtitles can't even be compared to "dubtitles": the only subtitle track is the damn Closed Captioning for the English dub. Which, as an avid Bo-BoBo fan, has me a bit miffed.
Though bungled the DVD release may be, Bo-BoBo's endless and commendable assault on coherence and rational human thought continues, as Cartoon Network rolls up their sleeves and launches the "second season" (i.e. the remaining 25 episodes) as a lead-in to the unstoppable juggernaut that is Naruto. Everybody should tune in and watch, not only because I say so, but because Bo-BoBo is such an unflinchingly bizarre antidote to the staidness that comprises the majority of animated series, Japanese or no, on television these days. You may be repulsed by it, but at least you'll be able to turn off the TV and say, "Well, now I've literally seen everything."
Bo-BoBo most resembles a Loganberry.
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday February 17 5:00am - Episode 15 "Pad"
This week on MMORPG: The Series, Tabby encounters two utter "nubz" and saves them from a savage "pwning."
.hack//Roots is akin to a European Cornel.
(Independent Film Channel)
Friday February 23 11:30pm - Episode 8 "Cage of Blood" (Repeats Sat Feb 24 5:00am)
Speaking of "pwning," the Kouga clan's remaining, scattered members do their best to survive against the savage onslaught of the vicious, rival Iga clan.
Basilisk in many ways is like a Jujube.
(Cartoon Network)
Sunday February 18 12:00am - Episode 22 (Repeats Sun Feb 18 3:00am)
As Ichigo and his companions seem to be on the cusp of gaining entry into the nigh-impenetrable Soul Society, 3rd Squad Captain Ichimaru Gin makes his presence known by thwarting their attempt. Later, everyone takes some time off to reflect on things, ponder other ways into the Soul Society, encounter a band of thugs who ride boars, and other stuff.
Friday February 23 10:30pm - Episode 24
The gang meets up with Shiba Kuukaku, who devises a potentially successful yet also potentially fatal method to enter the Soul Society.
Bleach is kinda like a Clementine.
Cowboy Bebop
Sunday February 18 9:00pm - Episode 9 "Jamming With Edward"
The Bebop crew realizes its fifth and final member with the addition of Radical Edward, the androgynous pre-pubescent computer genius who catches wind of the Bebop's many adventures and literally forces herself on their ship.
If Cowboy Bebop were a fruit, it would be a Watermelon.
Eureka 7
(Cartoon Network)
Sunday February 18 12:30am - Episode 41 "Acperience 3" (Repeats Sun Feb 18 3:30am)
Eureka 7's fourth and final season begins as the crew meets with Sakuya, who lays bare a few startling truths about the Corallian and the Humans. Plus other things.
Friday February 23 9:30pm - Episode 23 "Differentia"
As Renton settles into his new life with the happily married Charles and Ray Beams, their globetrotting courier business is sent to transport a seemingly incurable Voderac girl, and Renton's feelings regarding her illness clash with those of her parents, causing the idealistic boy to strike out on his own.
Eureka 7 approximates a Persimmon.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Friday February 23 10:00pm - Episode 50 "Death" (Repeats Sat Feb 24 1:00am)
The penultimate FMA episode! Ed learns the cold, bitter truth about alchemy from his father, Mustang faces off against King Bradley, and deaths and noble sacrifices abound!
Fullmetal Alchemist is comparable to a Plum.
Gunslinger Girl
(Independent Film Channel)
Friday February 23 11:00pm - Episode 8 "Fairy Tale: Il Principe del Regno Della Pasta" (Repeats Sat Feb 24 4:30am)
Some Della Pasta sounds delicious right about now. Anyway, this here episode of Gunslinger girl is what the hoi polloi refer to as "bittersweet," and also "maudlin." The newly assigned Marco attempts to soothe the fractured Angelica, who suffers frequent bouts of memory loss.
Gunslinger Girl's fruit cognate would be a Loquat.
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday February 17 10:30pm - Episode 25 "Alan: The Man Who Came Late"
Ginta's team continue their appropriately titled "War Game" against the five "Chess Pieces" with the last-minute addition of the eponymous Alan.
MAR is analogous to a Thimbleberry.
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday February 17 9:00pm - Episode 75 "Sasuke's Decision: Pushed to the Edge"
Gaara's monstrous transformation proves troublesome for Sasuke, who, even pushed to his absolute limit, cannot seem to make a dent in Gaara's powerful sand armor. Remembering his tragic past, Sasuke decides to literally stake his life against Gaara's.
Friday February 23 8:00pm - Episode 69 "Village in Distress: A New A-Ranked Mission" (Repeats Sat Feb 24 2:30am)
Fearing that Sasuke may be in over his head with his pursuit of Gaara, Kakashi summons an awake yet stunned Sakura amidst the chaos to rally Naruto and Shikamaru to run to Sasuke's aid.
Naruto's kindred fruit spirit is the Kumquat.
One Piece
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday February 17 9:30pm - Episode 79 "Off the Hook"
For those unwashed masses who simply cannot enjoy Japanese animation unless there are terrible, godawful puns bandied about every few seconds, there's this episode of One Piece to look forward to. After losing his fight with Crocodile, the elusive Nico Robin saves Luffy from certain but TV-Y7 friendly cartoon death.
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday February 17 9:30am - Episode 464 "Pace: The Final Frontier"
Ash continues his Pokemon-related assault against his peer, Brandon, but the odds seem to be against Our Hero when Brandon summons a powerful Pokemon-thing!
Pokemon fruit would be a Mulberry.
Prince of Tennis
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday February 17 10:00pm - Episode 20 "Time Limit"
Ryoma's tennis match enters its final throes, and not in the Dick Cheney sense! The match grows tight, but Ryoma has a trick up his sleeve - or more specifically, one that his father invented.
If there were a parallel universe where everything would turn into fruit, Prince of Tennis would be a Chokecherry.
Samurai Champloo
Sunday February 18 9:30pm - Episode 9 "Beatbox Bandits"
The meandering threesome are in dire need of "Travel Passes" in order to continue their journey, so of course they turn to their friendly neighborhood Black Marketeer to provide them; but when the royal guards discover the fraudulent passes, they hold Jin and Fuu for ransom unless Mugen successfully delivers a strange object.
Samurai Champloo is a Pomegranate.
Spider Riders
(CW Kids)
Saturday February 17 11:00am - Episode 14 "Stag's Challenge"
This week on Those Who Ride Arachnids, the villainous Stag (a wild guess: full name Stag Beetle?) is eager to test his mettle against Hunter and his new and powerful... power.
Spider Riders would be a Lychee if it were a fruit. Which it isn't.
Tenjho Tenge
(G4TechTV Canada)
Monday February 19 8:30pm - Episode 24 "Wandering"
Tenjho Tenge wraps up its relatively discreet run on Canadian shores, all without tying up much of the loose ends and failing to achieve the sheer scope of Oh!Great's exploitive but entertaining manga masterstroke.
Tenjho Tenge's closest fruit-relative is a Papaya.
Trinity Blood
(Cartoon Network)
Saturday February 17 11:30pm - Episode 22 "Throne of Roses II: Lord of the Abyss" (Repeats Sun Feb 18 2:30am)
The leader of the heretofore-referred-to-as "The Rebellion" is Vanessa, who has successfully Pope-napped His Holiness; It's up to Brother Petros to save some Pope ass! Hardcore!
Trinity Blood would just be a Strawberry.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
(Cartoon Network)
-Tuesday February 20 4:30pm - Episode 101 "The Phoenix Has Landed, Part 2"
-Wednesday February 21 4:30pm - Episode 102 "The Hands of Justice, Part 1"
-Thursday February 22 4:30pm - Episode 103 "The Hands of Justice, Part 2"
-Friday February 23 4:30pm - Episode 104 "Future Changes"
Kudos to 4Kids for managing to prove to this jaded television-wannabe-critic that there is some life left still, however tepid, in the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise. Getting over 100 episodes on the air in only a little over a year since the series started is no small feat. If only it were something a little less ignominious?
Yu-Gi-Oh GX's second season ends this week with featured Duels including the evil Sartorious versus Aster and Jaden.
Yu-Gi-Oh GX is a bit like a Coconut, except with cards.
Zatch Bell
Friday February 23 8:30pm - Episode 57 "Battle on the Sand: Brago vs. the Silent Rulers"
Sherry and Brago, the stalwart would-be Mamodo champions, discover the evil Byonko and his three equally evil ancient Mamodo. They do battle, of course.
Zatch Bell's most accurate fruit description would be a Guava.
Digimon: The Movie
(Toon Disney)
Sunday February 18 12:00pm
Pokemon 4Ever
(Cartoon Network)
Wednesday February 21 10:00am
Ah, the early 2000's. Pokemons, Digimons, and general -mons of all stripes and sizes dominate the collective United States consciousness. While Pokemon continues to thrive, what a sad state of affairs for Digimon, one of the biggest victims of the passing of the whole Tamagotchi-esque "virtual pet" craze. Here's your chance to catch two of the feature film outings, produced when the two -mons were at their near-zenith!
For the record, Digimon: The Movie is probably a Tangerine, and Pokemon 4Ever is an Elderberry.
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
(Encore Action)
Sunday February 18 5:40am (Repeats Sun Feb 18 1:35pm, Thu Feb 22 12:00am, 11:35am, 7:30pm)
Kai Doh Maru
(Encore Action)
Friday February 23 2:40am (Repeats Fri Feb 23 3:40am, 10:15am)
See! I told you they would re-run Jin-Roh again. And again. And five times more after that. Kai Doh Maru shows up, too.
Jin-Roh can be classified as a Huckleberry, with Kai Doh Maru winding up as a Pear.
Thus ends The Click for this fine if uneventful week: I'll be back in exactly seven days for more fun! Below are some repeats, and I'll leave it to you to guess which fruit each one is.
Big O
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun Feb 18 5:00am - Episode 7 "The Call From the Past"
Chrono Crusade
(Showtime Beyond)
-Mon Feb 19 12:10am - Episode 5 "Militia" (R Fri Feb 23 2:35am)
-Fri Feb 23 9:00pm - Episode 6 "Jewel Witch"
(Toon Disney)
-Sat Feb 17 11:00am - Episode 9 "Subzero Ice Punch!" (R Fri Feb 23 10:30pm, Sat Feb 24 3:00am)
-Sun Feb 18 11:00am - Episode 10 "A Clue From the Digi-Past"
-Mon Feb 19 1:30am - Episode 149 "The D-Reaper's Disguise"
-Mon Feb 19 8:00am - Episode 188 "Ne'er the Twins Shall Meet" (R Tue Feb 20 2:30am)
-Mon Feb 19 10:30pm - Episode 5 "Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker" (R Tue Feb 20 3:00am)
-Tue Feb 20 8:00am - Episode 189 "Operation Free Ophanimon" (R Wed Feb 21 2:30am)
-Tue Feb 20 10:30pm - Episode 6 "Togemon in Toy Town" (R Wed Feb 21 3:00am)
-Wed Feb 21 8:00am - Episode 190 "Takuya and Koji's Evolution" (R Thu Feb 22 2:30am)
-Wed Feb 21 10:30pm - Episode 7 "Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo" (R Thu Feb 22 3:00am)
-Thu Feb 22 8:00am - Episode 191 "Ice Ice Baby" (R Fri Feb 23 2:30am)
-Thu Feb 22 10:30pm - Episode 8 "Evil Shows His Face" (R Fri Feb 23 3:00am)
-Fri Feb 23 8:00am - Episode 192 "Cherubimania" (R Sat Feb 24 2:30am)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
(Cartoon Network)
-Tue Feb 20 12:30am - Episode 1 "Section 9" (R Tue Feb 20 4:00am)
-Wed Feb 21 12:30am - Episode 2 "Testation" (R Wed Feb 21 4:00am)
-Thu Feb 22 12:30am - Episode 3 "Android and I" (R Thu Feb 22 4:00am)
-Fri Feb 23 12:30am - Episode 4 "Intercepter" (R Fri Feb 23 4:00am)
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun Feb 18 5:30am - Episode 7 "The Diamond Smugglers"
(Encore WAM)
-Sat Feb 17 4:00pm - Episode 4 "Oju Goes Blond! Whodunnit?" (R Sun Feb 18 8:00am)
-Sun Feb 18 4:00pm - Episode 5 "Ooedoo Clan in Crisis" (R Mon Feb 19 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Mon Feb 19 4:00pm - Episode 6 "Kyo-san's Knockout Performance" (R Tue Feb 20 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Tue Feb 20 4:00pm - Episode 7 "Shirokin Boy's Choir? Say What?" (R Wed Feb 21 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Wed Feb 21 4:00pm - Episode 8 "The Class Trip Into Hell Begins" (R Thu Feb 22 2:00am)
-Thu Feb 22 8:00am - Episode 1 "Rookie Teacher With a Secret is Born!"
-Thu Feb 22 4:00pm - Episode 9 "Schoolground Battle Without Honor" (R Fri Feb 23 2:00am, 8:00am)
-Fri Feb 23 4:00pm - Episode 10 "School in the Crosshairs" (R Sat Feb 24 2:00am, 8:00am)
Idaten Jump
(Cartoon Network)
-Thu Feb 22 6:00am - Episode "Challenge"
-Fri Feb 23 6:00am - Episode "Palace"
(Cartoon Network)
-Tue Feb 20 1:00am - Episode 57 "Fateful Night in Togenkyo, Part 1" (R Tue Feb 20 4:30am)
-Tue Feb 20 1:30am - Episode 58 "Fateful Night in Togenkyo, Part 2" (R Tue Feb 20 5:00am)
-Wed Feb 21 1:00am - Episode 59 "The Beautiful Sister Apprentices" (R Wed Feb 21 4:30am)
-Wed Feb 21 1:30am - Episode 60 "The 50-Year-Old Curse of the Dark Priestess" (R Wed Feb 21 5:00am)
-Thu Feb 22 1:00am - Episode 61 "Kikyo and the Dark Priestess" (R Thu Feb 22 4:30am)
-Thu Feb 22 1:30am - Episode 62 "Tsubaki's Unrelenting Evil Spell" (R Thu Feb 22 5:00am)
-Fri Feb 23 1:00am - Episode 63 "The Red and White Priestesses" (R Fri Feb 23 4:30am)
-Fri Feb 23 1:30am - Episode 64 "The Giant Ogre of the Forbidden Tower" (R Fri Feb 23 5:00am)
Lupin the Third
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun Feb 18 1:30am - Episode 2 "Buns, Guns and Fun in the Sun" (R Sun Feb 18 4:30am)
(Cartoon Network)
-Tue Feb 20 5:30pm - Episode 27 "The Chunin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death"
-Wed Feb 21 5:30pm - Episode 28 "Eat or Be Eaten: Panic in the Forest"
-Thu Feb 22 5:30pm - Episode 29 "Naruto's Counterattack: Never Give In"
-Fri Feb 23 5:30pm - Episode 30 "The Sharingan Revived: Dragon-Flame Jutsu!"
Oban Star-Racers
(Toon Disney)
-Sat Feb 17 8:30pm - Episode 12 "The Will to Win" (R Sun Feb 18 2:30am)
-Mon Feb 19 2:30am - Episode 13 "Make Way!"
-Tue Feb 20 1:30am - Episode 14 "Welcome to Oban!" (R Fri Feb 23 9:00pm, Sat Feb 24 1:30am)
(Showtime Beyond)
-Sun Feb 18 11:45pm - Episode 14 "Thoughts" (R Fri Feb 23 3:00am)
-Fri Feb 23 9:30pm - Episode 15 "Poetry"
(Cartoon Network)
-Sat Feb 17 9:00am - Episode 463 "Gathering the Gang of Four"
-Sat Feb 17 7:00pm - Episode 432 "Queen of the Serpentine"
-Mon Feb 19 6:30am - Episode 399 "Like a Meowth to a Flame"
-Tue Feb 20 6:30am - Episode 400 "Saved by the Beldum"
-Tue Feb 20 5:00pm - Episode 454 "May, We Harley Drew'd Ya"
-Wed Feb 21 6:30am - Episode 401 "From Brags to Riches"
-Wed Feb 21 5:00pm - Episode 455 "Thinning the Hoard"
-Thu Feb 22 6:30am - Episode 402 "Shocks and Bonds"
-Thu Feb 22 5:00pm - Episode 456 "Channeling the Battle Zone"
-Fri Feb 23 6:30am - Episode 403 "A Judgement Brawl"
-Fri Feb 23 5:00pm - Episode 457 "Aipom and Circumstance"
Samurai Champloo
(Cartoon Network)
-Sun Feb 18 1:00am - Episode 15 "Bogus Booty" (R Sun Feb 18 4:00am)
Samurai Deeper Kyo
(Encore WAM)
-Sat Feb 17 4:30pm - Episode 17 "The Secret Talk of Girls" (R Sun Feb 18 8:30am)
-Sun Feb 18 4:30pm - Episode 18 "Nurturing the Devil" (R Mon Feb 19 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Mon Feb 19 4:30pm - Episode 19 "Thunderbolt Attack" (R Tue Feb 20 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Tue Feb 20 4:30pm - Episode 20 "Far Away, To Absolute Zero" (R Wed Feb 21 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Wed Feb 21 4:30pm - Episode 21 "The Demonic Mibu Castle" (R Thu Feb 22 2:30am)
-Thu Feb 22 4:30pm - Episode 22 "The Machine Made Dolls" (R Fri Feb 23 2:30am, 8:30am)
-Fri Feb 23 4:30pm - Episode 23 "Scorching Ecstasy" (R Sat Feb 24 2:30am, 8:30am)
(Toon Disney)
-Sat Feb 17 4:00am - Episode 4 "Day at the Park"
-Tue Feb 20 4:00am - Episode 5 "Kiri"
-Wed Feb 21 4:00am - Episode 6 "Battling Daku"
-Thu Feb 22 4:00am - Episode 7 "Into the Jungle"
-Fri Feb 23 4:00am - Episode 8 "Reptiles"
-Sat Feb 24 4:00am - Episode 9 "Gyasa"
Special Duty Combat Unit: Shinesman
(Encore Action)
-Thu Feb 22 7:05am - Episode 1 (R Fri Feb 23 12:00am)
-Thu Feb 22 7:35am - Episode 2 (R Fri Feb 23 12:30am)
(Encore Action)
-Sat Feb 17 12:00am - Episode 13 "Vista"
-Sat Feb 17 12:30am - Episode 14 "Rejection"
-Sat Feb 17 1:00am - Episode 15 "Shapes"
-Tue Feb 20 12:00am - Episode 16 "Strain"
-Tue Feb 20 12:30am - Episode 17 "Dependence"
-Tue Feb 20 1:00am - Episode 18 "Throne"
-Wed Feb 21 12:00am - Episode 19 "Heavenward"
-Wed Feb 21 12:30am - Episode 20 "Hades"
-Wed Feb 21 1:00am - Episode 21 "Encephalopathy"
Transformers Cybertron
(Cartoon Network)
-Mon Feb 19 6:00am - Episode 11 "Deep"
-Tue Feb 20 6:00am - Episode 12 "Ship"
-Wed Feb 21 6:00am - Episode 13 "Hero"
(Cartoon Network)
-Tue Feb 20 5:30am - Episode 21 "Bad Birthday Party"
-Wed Feb 21 5:30am - Episode 25 "The Witch Gets a Facelift"
-Thu Feb 22 5:30am - Episode 16 "Yurak Gets His Pink Slip"
-Fri Feb 23 5:30am - Episode 17 "Give Me Your Princess"
-Sat Feb 17 9:30am - Episode 25 "Shining Friendship"
-Sat Feb 17 10:00am - Episode 26 "Champion vs. Creator, Part 1"
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
(Cartoon Network)
-Sat Feb 17 7:30pm - Episode 91 "Don't Fear the Reaper"
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