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Dokyū Hentai HxEros TV Anime Premieres in July

posted on by Rafael Antonio Pineda

The staff for the AnimeJapan 2020 event revealed on Monday that the television anime of Ryōma Kitada's Dokyū Hentai HxEros manga will premiere in July. The anime will have a stage event on March 22 with the anime's cast in attendance.

Masato Jinbo (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei!) is directing the anime at project No.9, and Akitomo Yamamoto (The Girl in Twilight sub-character designer and chief animation director) is serving as character designer.

The manga's story begins when an unknown invader known as the "Kiseichū" (wordplay on the Japanese word for "parasite") invades Earth and begins robbing people of the source of their erotic "H energy," depriving them of the will to live. Retto Enjō, a high school boy, joins the Hero Organization HxEros, and alongside four beautiful high school girls, will save the Earth from the alien threat.

Source: AnimeJapan 2020 website

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