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Crimson Spell (manga)

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Alternative title:
クリムゾン・スぺル (Japanese)
緋色誘惑 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Themes: bishounen, yaoi
Objectionable content: Pornography
Plot Summary: In attempt to save his country, Prince Valdrigue uses the cursed sword, which once belonged to his father. Now he is slowly turning into beast and the only person who can save him is mysterious and powerful wizard Hallwill. In exchange for help Valdrigue must accompany the wizard in his quest for magical devices. When Hallwill sees the beast side of Valdrigue, he finds it quite attractive. But the prince, who is unaware of his actions as a beast, knows nothing of Hallwill's doings. Meanwhile the curse case seems more complicated than they've anticipated.
User Ratings: 61 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 12 votes (Eng:7, dub:2, sub:2, raw:1)
 Excellent: 18 votes (Eng:12, sub:4, dub:2)
 Very good: 14 votes (Eng:8, sub:5, dub:1)
 Good: 9 votes (Eng:5, sub:4)
 Decent: 3 votes (Eng:2, sub:1)
 So-so: 3 votes (sub:2, Eng:1)
 Not really good: 1 vote (sub:1)
 Weak: -
 Bad: -
 Awful: 1 vote (sub:1)
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 204 users, rank: #434 (of 6921)
Median rating: Very good
Arithmetic mean: 8.115 (Very good), std. dev.: 1.7092, rank: #723 (of 7775)
Weighted mean: 7.993 (Very good), rank: #1435 (of 7775) (seen all: 8.45 / seen some: 7.86 / won't finish: 4.35)
Bayesian estimate: 7.974 (Very good), rank: #484 (of 3524)
Number of tankoubon: 7
Number of pages: 162
Vintage: 2005-07-25
Release dates: We have 21
Links: We have 2
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Graphic novel
    Crimson Spell (GN 1) 2013-12-10 (from $10.39)
    Crimson Spell (GN 2) 2014-02-11 (from $12.76)
    Crimson Spell (GN 3) 2014-04-08 (from $7.67)
    Crimson Spell (GN 4) 2014-06-10 (from $10.39)
    Crimson Spell (GN 5) 2014-08-12 (from $10.39)
    Crimson Spell (GN 6) 2019-07-09 (from $12.99)
    Crimson Spell [Kitty Media] (GN 1) 2007-07-18 (from $7.83)
    Crimson Spell [Kitty Media] (GN 2) 2008-09-17 (from $13.40)

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Story & Art: Ayano Yamane
Japanese companies
Publisher: Tokuma Shoten
English staff
English companies
Distributor: Kitty Media (North America)
Licensed by:
Media Blasters (North America)
SuBLime (2013)
English cast
French staff
French cast
Translation: Julia Brun
French companies
Publisher: KAZÉ
Italian staff
Italian companies
Italian cast
German staff
German companies
Publisher: Tokyopop Germany
German cast
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Licensed by: Sharp Point Press
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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