High School DxD [Classics] (Blu-ray)

Volume: Blu-ray
Running time: 300
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment
Release date: 2018-08-21
Suggested retail price: $49.98
Age rating: 17+
SKU: FN-02507
UPC: 704400025075
A war between heaven and hell is raging on Earth—and hormonal fury is raging in Issei’s pants. Enter curvy redhead Rias. She’s president of The Occult Research Club, a club that doesn’t actually research the occult. They are the occult—and Rias is a Devil. If Issei can improve his mystical skills, he’ll be able to help his hotter-than-hell master and her schoolgirl friends defeat their foes!
Special Features: Episode 01 Commentary, Episode 07 Commentary, Fantasy Jiggles Unleashed, New Material from Ichiei Ishibumi! Fantasy Full-blast Gentleman's Disc Club Promos, Promotional Video, Commercial Collection, Textless Opening & Closing Songs, U.S. Trailer, Trailers
(added on 2019-01-01, modified on 2019-01-01)
- Encyclopedia information about High School DxD (TV)