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Chihayafuru (eBook 6 of 50)

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Title: Chihayafuru
Volume: eBook 6 / 50
Distributor: Kodansha Comics

Release date: 2017-11-14
Suggested retail price: $10.99

ISBN-10: 1682339602 1682339602
ISBN-13: 9781682339602 9781682339602

Shinobu Wakamiya, the reigning Queen, leaves a mark on Chihaya with her unbelievable strength. Everyone is struck by the way Chihaya throws herself back into practice, in search of greater heights. She has to become even faster, even sharper. The next official tournament the club enters, its members all begin working toward the goals they've set for themselves. But in the first round, Chihaya goes up against an opponent who discovers a surprising weakness in her game... In the process, she discovers she competes against one thing, and one thing only—her heart.

(added on 2021-08-09, modified on 2021-08-09)

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