Trigun - Limited Collector's Edition I [Remix] (DVD 1-3 of 6)

Volume: DVD 1-3 / 6
Running time: 350
Distributor: Geneon Entertainment Inc.
Release date: 2005-11-22
Suggested retail price: $89.98
Age rating: 13+
SKU: 12691
UPC: 013023269194
On a desert planet scorched by twin suns, bounty hunters scour the planet looking for Vash who has a $$60,000,000,000 bounty placed on his head! Vash has been credited with the destruction of several towns, but miraculously, there is no record of him ever taking a life. However, only two things ever happen to those who catch up to Vash - they either crawl away wounded (mostly from self-inflicted damage), or they stagger away in disbelief that such a dork could possibly be the man they are looking for!
Contains episodes 1-14 (out of 26) on 3 discs.
Packaged in an limited edition full color collector's steel case, and includes an exclusive bullet necklace with the Trigun logo engraved on it. Each disc is packaged individually with brand-new reversible cover art by Yasuhiro Nightow. Video includes the original openings (each opening is different!), and 5.1 surround sound was created just for the DVD.
DVD Features: Character Designs, Mechanical Designs, Weapon Designs, Textless Opening, TV Spots, Art Gallery, Previews.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English subtitles.
(added on 2005-10-15, modified on 2005-10-15)
- Encyclopedia information about Trigun (TV)