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I.C. promotes AmeriManga

posted on by Christopher Macdonald
I.C. Entertainment (formerly Ironcat) to launch anthology of Manga by American artists.

Starting in December 2002, I.C. Entertainment, formerly Studio Ironcat, will publish a monthly anthology called AmeriManga. As the name implies, AmeriManga features manga style comics by American artists.

The first three issues will feature stories by Jen Quick (Soul Union), Beth Westmoreland (Without Darkness), Christopher Seaton (Last Ditch) and "Insomniac Machine" (Kouseki). Koseki, which is only 3 issues long, will be replaced by Amy Kim Ganter's "Reman Mythology" in the fourth issue. Fred Gallagher's Warmth will also joing the anthology in the fourth issue, bringing the series count up to 5 (Fred Gallagher's popular web-comic Megatokyo is also being published in Paperback by I.C., with volume 1 coming out this December and volume 2 in March).

Kei Blue, I.C.'s publicist as well as one of the people behind AmeriManga spoke with ANN regarding the anthology. Jen Quick's Soul Union was in fact the catalyst and original raison d'etre for AmeriManga. Ms. Blue explains, "I was reading an ashcan that I picked up at Katsucon and found it to be really good. I passed it around to over a hundred people and everyone liked it." From there the idea grew into an anthology of American Manga.

In regards to the screening process used to find comics for the anthology Ms. Blue explains, "The intent of the submission guidelines was to scare off people who weren't serious. We needed people who could produce 28 pages every month. In addition we required 1 full story on tap, a written plot guideline and character outlines." Regarding the appropriateness of the titles for and American Manga anthology, "A fresh style that was both new and yet familiar. No copiers mind you." Or, "Something that is recognizeably Manga, yet still original, as opposed to an attempt to merely copy or imitate existing manga."

Each issue of AmeriManga will be 140 pages in length and sell for $7.99 an issue at the news stand, I.C. will be discounting the subscription rate.

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