Shonen Jump to Launch High School Sumo Manga Hinomaru Zumō
posted on by Egan Loo
Kawada begins story of sumō wrestler who aims to become the greatest in the world
This year's 25th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump magazine is announcing on Monday that Kawada will launch the Hinomaru Zumō manga series in the following issue on May 26. The "dramatic" story follows a high school sumō wrestler who aims to become the greatest in the world, hinoshita-kaizan.
Previous sumō manga have included Notari Matsutaro (the inspiration for the ongoing Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro!! television anime) by Tetsuya Chiba (Ashita no Joe) and Ah -- Harima-nada by Kei Sadayasu.
[Via Yaraon!]
Update: Spelling fixed. Thanks, hyojodoji
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